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虛白堂 成俔의 記 34편 가운데 공공건물에 대한 것이 17편으로 다수를 차지하고, 공공건물 기문 가운데 16편이 지방의 공공건물에 관한 기록이다. 그 가운데 향교를 다룬 1편을 제외하면 모두 客舍에 대한 기문이다. 객사 기문에서는 객사가 賓客을 맞이하기 위한 목적 등으로 필요하다는 점, 수령의 정치와 긴밀하게 관련된다는 점들을 역설하고 있다. 공공건물의 경우 정치적 관점에서 건물의 공공성을 표방하는 데 중점을 두었고, 사적 건물은 건물의 이름을 풀이하면서 인생관과 유교적 도리를 부연하는 방향으로 서술되었다. 승려에게 준 기문에서는 불교를 유교와 관련지어 해석하는 면모를 보인다. 성현의 기문에서 주류를 차지하는 공공건물에 대한 기문 가운데 친히 가서 보고 지은 것은 7편에 그친다. 직접 가서 보지 않은 상태에서 기문을 지으려면 현장에서 보내온 글에 의존해야만 한다. 성현의 기문에는 현장에서 보내온 글이 대거 인용된 경우도 보인다. 남의 글을 토대로 기문을 찬술하다보니 개성적 표현보다는 관습적 표현들이 자주 사용되었다. 관습적 표현들은 건물의 重修에 백성들이 자발적으로 참여하여 쉽게 완성되었고 백성들이 수령을 찬미한다는 데서 두드러진다. 이러한 표현들은 실제 백성의 입장이 아니라 통치자의 입장에서 서술된 다분히 관념적이고 이상적인 것으로 보인다. 15세기 다른 관료문인들의 기문과 비교하면, 역사적 관점을 견지하며 표현이나 흥취를 중시하는 문인으로서의 모습을 보여주는 김종직이나 신선 풍취를 보이는 홍귀달과는 달리, 성현의 기문은 객사의 효용 등 정치적인 측면에 주목하여 관습적인 서술을 보여준다는 데서 관료문인으로서의 모습이 두드러진다.

Sung Hyeon wrote 34 gies and most of them deal with public buildings. There are 19 gies about the public buildings. Especially 16 gies of the 19 works are reports on local public buildings. Except one which deals with a Confucian temple and a school belonging to it, all the rest of 16 works are gies about public inns[客舍]. In the gies about public inns, it is emphasized that the public inns are necessary for welcoming visitors such as envoys or public officials and related with local governor's political affairs. He stressed the public buildings' functions in the political views. In the other hand, private building are introduced by explaining the reason of giving a name of a private building and we can understand his viewpoint on life and Confucian duties. There are 4 gies which Sung Hyeon wrote for Buddhist monks trying to connect Buddhism to Confucianism. Sung Hyeon's main gies are 19 works dealing with public buildings. Only 7 works of them were written based on personal experience of seeing them with his own eyes. The rest of them were written from the local letters sent at the pressing request of Sung Hyeon. We can easily found a lot of quotations from the local letters in his gies. Because of writing on the base of other's letters, he used conventional expressions more than individual ones. It is an example of his conventional remarks that people participated in construction work voluntarily and praised the governors for the building. These expressions are ideological and ideal not in people's places but in governors' places. Compared with others' works, gies by Sung Hyeon show us his bureaucratic literary features well. He wrote a lot of gies about usefulness of public inns in the political aspects.

Sung Hyeon wrote 34 gies and most of them deal with public buildings. There are 19 gies about the public buildings. Especially 16 gies of the 19 works are reports on local public buildings. Except one which deals with a Confucian temple and a school belonging to it, all the rest of 16 works are gies about public inns[客舍]. In the gies about public inns, it is emphasized that the public inns are necessary for welcoming visitors such as envoys or public officials and related with local governor's political affairs. He stressed the public buildings' functions in the political views. In the other hand, private building are introduced by explaining the reason of giving a name of a private building and we can understand his viewpoint on life and Confucian duties. There are 4 gies which Sung Hyeon wrote for Buddhist monks trying to connect Buddhism to Confucianism. Sung Hyeon's main gies are 19 works dealing with public buildings. Only 7 works of them were written based on personal experience of seeing them with his own eyes. The rest of them were written from the local letters sent at the pressing request of Sung Hyeon. We can easily found a lot of quotations from the local letters in his gies. Because of writing on the base of other's letters, he used conventional expressions more than individual ones. It is an example of his conventional remarks that people participated in construction work voluntarily and praised the governors for the building. These expressions are ideological and ideal not in people's places but in governors' places. Compared with others' works, gies by Sung Hyeon show us his bureaucratic literary features well. He wrote a lot of gies about usefulness of public inns in the political aspects.