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본고는 우리 역사상에서 다양한 얼굴로 조명되는 인물 중의 하나인 정희량을 ‘肖像’이라는 화두로 접근하여 시대와 관련된 의미를 읽어내고자 하였다. 초기 시에서 정희량은 儒者的 신념에 투철하고 의지가 굳었던 인물로 나타난다. 그와 절친하게 지냈던 친구들 역시 강직한 성품, 강한 자부심, 불의와 타협하지 않는 기개를 가진 인물로 정희량을 형상화하였다. 그러나 戊午士禍에 연루되어 유배 길에 오르면서 정희량이 시 속에서 그려내는 자화상은 점차 변모의 양상을 보인다. 특히 홀로 유폐되어 있다는 고립감과 점점 쇠약해져 하는 몸, 이상 사회에 대한 절망적 인식 등은 정희량이 초기에 지녔던 단단한 마음가짐과 낙관적 기대를 차츰 허물어뜨리게 되고 이후 그의 시적 정서는 체념과 자조, 비애로 전이되어 간다. 유배시절에 집중적으로 지어지게 되는 신선을 소재로 한 시, 仙界 지향이나 仙化 욕구를 표출한 시들 역시 현실의 질곡을 벗어나고자 하는 초탈의 욕구와 맞물려 있다. 그가 그려내는 신선은 불우한 현실 너머에 ‘되고 싶은’ 이상으로 존재하며 선계 역시 부정적 현실의 대척선상에서 ‘도달해 보았으면’ 하는 소망의 공간으로 자리한다. 그런가 하면 정희량은 강가에 신을 벗어놓고 사라진 후 설화 속에 다시 등장하면서 완전히 다른 형태의 인물로 탈바꿈한다. 어디엔가 시를 써 놓고, 또는 누구엔가 시를 건네주고 사라지는 方士, 또는 老僧의 형상이다. 그가 남겼다는 시에는 속세의 시름과 티끌을 완전히 털어낸 광대한 우주가 있고 모든 얽매임에서 벗어나 자유자재하는 초월적 존재가 있다. 이때 등장하는 시들은 그가 남긴 선계 취향의 시들이 초월을 꿈꾸었지만 끝내 동경과 지향에 머물 수 밖에 없었던 것과는 다른 차원의 시세계를 보여준다. 물론 이 시들이 정희량의 지었다는 정확한 증거는 없다. 그러나 그의 불우한 삶과 채 펼쳐 보지 못한 꿈, 그리고 일찍 생을 마감함으로써 함께 접어야 했던 시적 재능은 사람들의 의식 속에서 ‘살아있는 정희량’을 염원하게 했던 것으로 보인다. 그리고 그의 시신이 끝내 발견되지 않음으로 인해 현실에서의 좌절을 다른 세계에서 극복, 또는 초월하기를 바라는 사람들의 바람은 세상의 이욕에 얽매이지 않고 현실의 억압과 굴레를 벗어난 초월적 인물로, 세상 사람 누구도 쓸 수 없는 시를 쓰는 뛰어난 시인으로 정희량을 재형상화시켰다. 그리고 이러한 다양한 초상은 유교 이념에 투철하고 현실 개혁 의지가 강한 新進士類들이 정계에 진출하여 그들의 이상을 펼쳐보고자 했지만 勳舊勢力들에 의해 뜻이 좌절 될 수 밖에 없었던 士禍期, 국가 차원에서 유교 사회의 기틀을 마련하고자 했지만 도교 불교의 유습을 청산하지 못했던 사상적 과도기가 낳은 산물이었다.

This study set out to read the meanings of Jeong Hee-ryang, who's one of the figures illuminated in diverse aspects in Korean history, in relation to the times by taking an approach of "portrait." In his early poems, Jeong strongly believed in the ideas pursued by Confucian scholars and demonstrated an iron-like determination. His close friends too described him as someone who had a solid personality, huge pride, and spirit not to compromise with injustice. However, he's sent into exile being accused of connections with the Muo massacre of scholars. Being an exile, he gradually changed his portrait in his poems. Suffering from a sharp sense of isolation at a remote place, increasingly weakening body, and desperation of an ideal society not realized, he little by little lost his solid mindset and optimistic expectations he had in early days. In face, his poetic sentiment became under the dominant influence of resignation, self-scorn, and sorrow. During his exile, he produced a large number of poems about Taoist hermits with supernatural powers, his pursuit of their world, and his desire to become one. Those works corresponded with his desire to escape and transcend the shackles of reality. Taoist hermits with supernatural powers were described as ideas he "wished to be" beyond his dark reality. Their world was depicted as a place he "wished to reach" leaving the negative reality behind. However, he disappeared leaving his shoes behind at the shore of a river one day. After his abrupt and mysterious disappearance, he returned as a totally new kind of person in folklore. He's like a bangsa(someone that mastered the powers of Taoist hermits) or an old Buddhist priest that left his poems somewhere or handed over his poems to people before disappearing. Those poems talk about the immense universe where the pain and dirt of the secular world are removed and the transcendent beings that are free from all kinds of bondage. They in fact present a poetic world of a different dimension from his works before his sudden disappearance in which he was forced to live with mere yearning and aspiration despite his dream of transcendence. Of course, there is no accurate proof that those were written by Jeong himself. But people must consciously have wanted to see "living Jeong" again since he led such an unfortunate life, his dreams never came true, and his poetic talents were suspended by his early death. They also wanted him to overcome or transcend his frustrations in reality in another world as his body was never recovered. As a result, he's reborn as a transcendent figure free from the interests of the world and the suppression and bondage of reality and a talented poet that wrote poems never to be written by other poets. The diverse portraits of Jeong were the products of the massacre period of the scholars, when the Hungu group stamped on the new generation of illustrious official that strictly followed the Confucian ideas, were driven by their strong determination for revolution, and wanted to fulfill their ideas in politics. And they were also the products of the transitional period where the government tried to build a new framework for Confucian society but failed to discard the old customs of Taoism and Buddhism.

This study set out to read the meanings of Jeong Hee-ryang, who's one of the figures illuminated in diverse aspects in Korean history, in relation to the times by taking an approach of "portrait." In his early poems, Jeong strongly believed in the ideas pursued by Confucian scholars and demonstrated an iron-like determination. His close friends too described him as someone who had a solid personality, huge pride, and spirit not to compromise with injustice. However, he's sent into exile being accused of connections with the Muo massacre of scholars. Being an exile, he gradually changed his portrait in his poems. Suffering from a sharp sense of isolation at a remote place, increasingly weakening body, and desperation of an ideal society not realized, he little by little lost his solid mindset and optimistic expectations he had in early days. In face, his poetic sentiment became under the dominant influence of resignation, self-scorn, and sorrow. During his exile, he produced a large number of poems about Taoist hermits with supernatural powers, his pursuit of their world, and his desire to become one. Those works corresponded with his desire to escape and transcend the shackles of reality. Taoist hermits with supernatural powers were described as ideas he "wished to be" beyond his dark reality. Their world was depicted as a place he "wished to reach" leaving the negative reality behind. However, he disappeared leaving his shoes behind at the shore of a river one day. After his abrupt and mysterious disappearance, he returned as a totally new kind of person in folklore. He's like a bangsa(someone that mastered the powers of Taoist hermits) or an old Buddhist priest that left his poems somewhere or handed over his poems to people before disappearing. Those poems talk about the immense universe where the pain and dirt of the secular world are removed and the transcendent beings that are free from all kinds of bondage. They in fact present a poetic world of a different dimension from his works before his sudden disappearance in which he was forced to live with mere yearning and aspiration despite his dream of transcendence. Of course, there is no accurate proof that those were written by Jeong himself. But people must consciously have wanted to see "living Jeong" again since he led such an unfortunate life, his dreams never came true, and his poetic talents were suspended by his early death. They also wanted him to overcome or transcend his frustrations in reality in another world as his body was never recovered. As a result, he's reborn as a transcendent figure free from the interests of the world and the suppression and bondage of reality and a talented poet that wrote poems never to be written by other poets. The diverse portraits of Jeong were the products of the massacre period of the scholars, when the Hungu group stamped on the new generation of illustrious official that strictly followed the Confucian ideas, were driven by their strong determination for revolution, and wanted to fulfill their ideas in politics. And they were also the products of the transitional period where the government tried to build a new framework for Confucian society but failed to discard the old customs of Taoism and Buddhism.