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『慶州邑誌』는 李錫釿 孫祥翼등이 발간한 8권 4책의 석인본이다. 조선시대 地理誌의 편찬 작업은 개인의 문집과 같은 私家本의 영역은 아니지만 그렇다고 官府에서 모든 일을 통괄하고 지휘하는 사안도 아니었다. 즉 관·민의 총체적 의견이 모여서 상호 조정과 협력으로 집대성되었다. 1669년에 부윤 閔周冕과 진사 李埰·金建準 등이 편찬한 『東京雜記』가 바로 그러한 성격을 띠고 간행된 최초의 경주 지리서다. 물론 이 책은 성종 때 奸行된ㄴ新增東國輿地勝覽』을 모본으로 삼았고 다른 여타 지역의 경우처럼 지역을 소개하고 알리려는 안내서의 성격을 띠지만 당시 경주의 歷史·文化·人物 등 거의 모든 사항을 종합하여 묶었다는데 그 의의가 있다. 당시 경주에서는 지방지 편찬의 욕구가 분출되었다. 그 결과 『慶州邑誌』 외에도 『東京通志』·『金鰲勝覽』등 목·석인본 15책의 방대한 지리지가 편찬되었다. 일제치하에서 다양한 이견을 수렴한 3종의 사서가 편찬되었다는 것은 지역학적으로 주목할 만한 일이다. 그러나 이면에는 수록차서 사례 인물의 선정 등을 놓고 지역 간 문중간의 대립이 첨예하였고 당시 日人들의 이간과 회유책 또한 일정한 영향을 미쳤다.

Since the studies on SinoKorean literature has mainly been conducted in the Seoul area, approaches to the various objects in the areas other than South, Korea have been neglected, As a result, interest in these objects have not been drawn so far. With the introduction of local autonomy system, studies on local areas have been activated, but they are still insufficient. It is absolutely right that studies on the Seoul area are important and urgent, but that cannot be a reason of neglecting the local areas. 『Gyeongju Chronicle』 is a stone version published by Suk-Gun Lee and Sun-Ik Son, and is composed of 8 books and 4 volumes. Unlike personal anthology, town chronicles were not published by clans during the Chosun dynasty, but not all the publication of town chronicles were planned and managed by government officials. They were prepared as a result of the cooperation of the government officials and civilians. 『Dongyeong Chronicle』 that was published by Buyun Jum-Mun Min and Jinsas Chae Lee and Gyeopn-Jun Kim in 1669 for the first ever is a good example. That book was certainly based on 『New Dongukyeojisungram』 which was published during the King Seongjon period, and included information on the Dongyeong area, as other chronicles did. That book included a wide range of topics such as history, culture, and people of Gyeongju, and this is the significance of 『Dongyeong Chronicle』. At that time in Gyeongju, there was a strong demand for publishing a town chronicle. As a result, not only 『Gyeongju Chronicle』 but as many as 15 volumes of wood and stone version chronicles such as 『Dongyeong Geography』 and 『Gumo Overview』 were published. It is notable that three private books containing various opinions were published during the Japanese imperial ruling period. On the other hand, however, there were severe conflicts among clans and regions in the process of deciding the order of contents and selecting object individuals, and consequently, the mean alienation and appeasement of Japanese rulers affected the publication in some degree.