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This paper aims to analyze the causes of conflict in cases of siting crematoria in the recent inter-municipal regions, as well as discovering solutions and regulation of the conflict. First, this article examines social science conflict theories from various viewpoints. Next, it analyzes the causes and factors of conflict, while investigating - in the order of the process of background, consultation, and coordination - the conflict cases of Hongseong, Chuncheon, and Jungeup for siting cremation facilities. Then the solution to conflict is derived from the analysis. This article points out that the recent causes of conflict in siting inter-municipal funeral facilities is attributed to the lack of inter-cooperation, co-governance, and immature behavior between the province and local governments, especially local. Above all, based on the institutional framework, using the administrative council or forming a union as a policy network is important to emphasize that establishing reasonable and democratic decision-making by inter-municipal, provincial-municipal policy actors can regulate and minimize the burden of conflict in cases of siting funeral facilities.