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A Study on the Relation between Animal Role and Its Symbolic Meaning in Kalila wa DimnaLee, Dong EunKalila wa Dimna is the typical animal fable in Arab world. This book was translated in Arabic in the 750's from Pehlevi language by Ibn al-Muqaffa'. The origin of this book is considered as Panchatantra which had been written in Sanscrit between the second and the fifth century BC. The translater, Ibn al-Muqaffa', adapted the stories of the book according to his political ideology and philosophy, while he translated it. The roles of animals and their symbolic meanings are different according to the each story in this book. A certain animal plays the good role in a story, while it plays the evil role in the other story. So the roles of animals have no relation with their peculiarities. The animal in this bok are just actors who play the given roles by storytellers.But the symbolic meanings of some animals like lion, fox , wolf, donkey are fixed. Especially the symbolic meaning of lion is power or stupidity or king or Arab. This point puts the foundation of political and social satire.The animals in Kalila wa Dimna』have no fixed symbolic meanings except very rare cases. This is the characteristics of Arab fables or Oriental fables and it is the device to imply the extensive moral instructions and ethics and handle them.