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본 연구에서는 초등학교에 재학하고 있는 아스퍼거 장애 아동을 대상으로 동화 중심 인지행동중재 프로그램을 적용하였을 때 사회적 인지 및 친사회적 행동 향상에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구의 대상 아동은 호주 아스퍼거 증후군 척도를 사용하여 1차 선별된 후 소아청소년 및 신경정신과 전문의에게 아스퍼거 장애로 최종 진단을 받은 남자 아동 2명이었다. 본 연구에서 사용된 동화 중심 인지행동중재는 제 7차 초등학교 국어과 교육과정 내에서 추출된 동화를 바탕으로 재구성되었으며, 사회적 인지와 친사회적 행동을 향상시키기 위한 프로그램이다. 또한 사회적 인지는 사회적 지식과 사회적 태도로, 친사회적 행동은 생각 말하기, 도움 구하기, 남을 칭찬하기, 격려하기, 도움 제공하기 등의 친사회적 구어행동과 눈 맞춤, 목소리, 얼굴 표정 등의 구어에 수반된 정서표현으로 구성하였다. 본 연구에서의 설계는 사회적 인지와 친사회적 행동의 효과를 검증하기 위해 종속변인별로 각각 다르게 진행되었다. 사회적 인지는 본 연구자가 직접 제작한 사회적 인지 평정척도를 사용하여 사전-사후 데이터를 비교․분석하였다. 친사회적 행동은 대상자간 중다간헐기초선 설계를 사용하여 기초선 기간, 중재 기간, 유지 기간을 두어 측정하였다. 본 연구의 결과 동화 중심 인지행동중재는 아스퍼거 장애아의 사회적 인지 변화와 친사회적 행동을 증가 및 유지에 긍정적인 효과를 미친 것으로 나타났다.

The purpose of this study were to find out the effects of the fairy tales-based cognitive behavior intervention on enhancing the social cognition and pro-social behavior of children with Asperger Disorder school. The sampling for this experiment was made among the pupils attending in N Elementary School in Busan. For the 6 children who were initially selected, interviews were made between parents and teachers so that 2 children were selected finally who were supposed to participate in this experiment after their having been diagnosed by a pediatric psychiatrist as children with Asperger disorder. The fairy tales-based cognitive behavior intervention was prepared on the basis of the variables related to social competence which consist of such areas as social cognition, social behavior by adding total 20 fairy tales which were selected through 3 times selection procedures from the relevant fairy tales derived from 7th elementary schooler education course in the subject of national language and from which one tale per session was used. Intervention was conducted during 40 minutes per time and 3 days per week in an independent room, that is, a special class for the children with disorder. In order to exclude any possible interference caused from intervention, observation and measurement was made during the same time span next day (i.e. free time, break time and the first 10 minutes of lunch time) in a consolidated class through a camcoder which was installed to make it sure for the children in question not to recognize they were observed. A multiple probe across participants method was adopted as an experiment design, placing the period of baseline, intervention and maintenance respectively. The results of this study were as follows; First, it turned out that the post-intervention behaviors by all the children had increased across the entire areas of social recognition, social behavior compared to those made in the period of baseline. Second, when compared the total social competence of those 2 children, though it was found a little gap existed, but such a gap seems to come from temperamental difference of individual child. In general, both of them showed increase behaviors. Third, in consequence of making an in-depth analysis about the questionnaires of the interviews which were done with the form masters and children after and before the experiment in order to look into any change in recognition, it was proved there exists a positive change made after intervention in connected with the overall environmental factors such as family and school as well as the children themselves.

The purpose of this study were to find out the effects of the fairy tales-based cognitive behavior intervention on enhancing the social cognition and pro-social behavior of children with Asperger Disorder school. The sampling for this experiment was made among the pupils attending in N Elementary School in Busan. For the 6 children who were initially selected, interviews were made between parents and teachers so that 2 children were selected finally who were supposed to participate in this experiment after their having been diagnosed by a pediatric psychiatrist as children with Asperger disorder. The fairy tales-based cognitive behavior intervention was prepared on the basis of the variables related to social competence which consist of such areas as social cognition, social behavior by adding total 20 fairy tales which were selected through 3 times selection procedures from the relevant fairy tales derived from 7th elementary schooler education course in the subject of national language and from which one tale per session was used. Intervention was conducted during 40 minutes per time and 3 days per week in an independent room, that is, a special class for the children with disorder. In order to exclude any possible interference caused from intervention, observation and measurement was made during the same time span next day (i.e. free time, break time and the first 10 minutes of lunch time) in a consolidated class through a camcoder which was installed to make it sure for the children in question not to recognize they were observed. A multiple probe across participants method was adopted as an experiment design, placing the period of baseline, intervention and maintenance respectively. The results of this study were as follows; First, it turned out that the post-intervention behaviors by all the children had increased across the entire areas of social recognition, social behavior compared to those made in the period of baseline. Second, when compared the total social competence of those 2 children, though it was found a little gap existed, but such a gap seems to come from temperamental difference of individual child. In general, both of them showed increase behaviors. Third, in consequence of making an in-depth analysis about the questionnaires of the interviews which were done with the form masters and children after and before the experiment in order to look into any change in recognition, it was proved there exists a positive change made after intervention in connected with the overall environmental factors such as family and school as well as the children themselves.