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본 연구는 고기능 자폐장애 청소년 10명과 아스퍼거 장애 청소년 3명 총 13명을 대상으로 비언어적 의사소통 행동에 대한 지식과 그 특성을 살펴보았다. 고기능 자폐장애 청소년과 아스퍼거 장애 청소년 집단은 연령과 성을 맞춘 일반 청소년 집단과 비교했을 때 비언어적 의사소통 행동에 대한 지식이 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 어머니들이 평정한 비언어적 의사소통 행동에서는 문제가 만연한 것으로 나타났는데, 비음성적 행동문제가 준언어적 행동문제 보다 더 심각하였다. 준언어적 행동에서는 음성 크기, 반응 타이밍, 속도, 리듬, 발음, 억양의 순으로 문제의 정도가 심했고, 비음성적 행동문제에서는 부적절한 시선, 얼굴표정, 몸짓/손짓, 신체적 거리의 순으로 문제의 정도가 심하였다. 이러한 특성에 근거한 중재방안에 관한 논의와 후속연구에 대한 제안이 이루어졌다.

The purposes of this study were to investigate the knowledge and the characteristics of nonverbal communication behaviors of adolescents with high functioning autism(HFA) or Asperger disorder(AS). Thirteen adolescents with HFA and AS disorder and thirteen with typical development(TD) between 14-19 years of age were engaged in testing knowledge of nonverbal communication behaviors. The mean scores of knowledge about nonverbal communication behaviors were compared between groups using t-test. The adolescents with HFA or AS disorder showed less knowledgeable about nonverbal communication behaviors than adolescents with TD. Ratings of nonverbal communication behaviors in adolescents with HFA or AS disorder were completed by their mothers through the 10 items of Pragmatic Rating Scale. The 10 pragmatic behaviors are categorized into two groupings: (1) Paralinguistics behaviors which concern the form of speaker production; (2) Nonvocal behaviors which concern the physical behaviors that accompany speech, such as gestures, facial expressions, physical distance, and gaze. The results showed that the problems of nonverbal behaviors were substantially prevalent in adolescents with HFA or AS. Data for qualitative analyses were collected through the use of questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, and observations. The analysis showed a high degree of problems with most of the nonverbal communication behaviors in HFA or AS adolescents but the degree and the type of problems were individually different. This result showed an individualized approach to nonverbal communication behaviors would be greatly beneficial. The implications of these findings and recommendations for future practice to improve nonverbal communication behaviors in adolescents with HFA or AS are made.