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본 연구는 텔레프리젠스 로봇 활용 중재 전․후 자유시간마다 정서·행동장애 위험 아동에게 자발적으로 공감과 조정시도가 주어질 때, 아동들이 어떻게 반응하는지 그 반응유형을 알아보고자 하였다. 이에 정서·행동장애 위험아동 4명을 대상으로 로봇을 활용한 덕목중심의 사회적 기술프로그램을 구성하여 진행하였다. 그 결과 기초선 보다 중재회기에서 공감 및 조정적 시도가 증가하였고, 공감시도보다 조정적 시도를 받은 아동들에게서 모두가 기초선 회기보다 중재회기에서 반응행동이 증가하였다. 또한, 반응행동유형에 있어서도 하나의 방식으로만 반응하던 아동들이 내적표현 및 평가, 수긍 및 호응, 승낙, 불호응 및 거부/거절 등을 고르게 사용하는 것으로 나타났다.
This study was to find the linguistic behavior and behavior’s pattern of the children at risk for EBD when they got empathic and negotiatory initiations from their peers during their break time. The participants of this study were 4 elementary school students in Kyunggi, South Korea. The data was collected their behaviors through video records and transcript after each sessions by the telepresence robot assisted intervention which has 24 sessions, and analyzed using event recording on quantitative research method. The results of this study were as follows. First, the frequency of empathic and negotiatory initiations of participants increased and all of participants more communicated with their peers on the intervention session than baseline session. The frequency of their non-response behavior decreased. They also more used various expression when they got negotiatory initiation. Therefore, this study was showed that robot assisted intervention which focused group activities help the children at risk for EBD to improve their social skill. Telepresence robot also could be a medium for various and effective communication skills on negotiation with peers.
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Telepresence, Robot, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Empathic Initiation, Negotiatory Initiation, Linguistic Behavior