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본 연구는 교장공모제의 정책결정과정을 분석하고 그에 따른 대안적 측면으로서 기초지방교육행정체제의 개편에 관한 방안을 도출하고자 하였다. 교장공모제는 주로 2006년 대통령자문교육혁신위원회에서 진행한 정책결정에관한 고찰을 통하여 그 실상과 문제점을 규명하고, 지역 교육지원청의 체제 개편 문제는 교장공모제에 수반하는 행정지원체계로서의 새로운 상을 제시하고자 하였다. 교장공모제는최근 이른 바 진보교육감이라 불리는 새로운교육권력의 등장과 현 정부의 교육정책이 맞물리는 분기점을 형성하고 있다. 교육청과 교육지원청은 교장공모제의 행정을 주관하고 교원의 승진 및 인사를 담당하는 주요한 기능을갖고 있다. 그러므로 교장공모제와 교육청의 체제 개편 방안을 연구하는 것은 학생과 학부모의 학교자치를 위해 매우 유용한 일이다. 특히 지방교육행정은 학교교육을 행ㆍ재정적으로 지원하기 위한 기반이며, 그 지원의 틀과 내용에 따라 학교자치의 상이 달라질 수밖에 없기에 개편의 방향과 변화는 늘 초미의 관심사였다. 본 연구에서는 그러한 점을 감안하여 교장공모제와 교육지원청의 체제 개편, 즉 교육지원센터의 도입에 관한 주제를 연계시키고자 하였다.

The principal appointment system is regarded as educational problem for long time and the government has also made to solve this problem in the same viewpoint. As showed in this study, the revision of principal appointment system was not education management but education reform. The appointment of principals’ application was adopted as a public reform issue in the presidential election and president’s advisory group dealt it as an educational reform issue. However, the ministry of education, education reform committee and teacher’s groups were doubtful of each other and conflicts arose resulting in neglection regarding the reform issue. The introduction of principal’s applications was difficult subject from the beginning because vertical bureaucracy and the promotion system based on efficiency rating which is deficient of transparency, suitability and reasonableness was not solved under the unreasonable policy decision making process. Therefore, the reform of principals’ application is a proper method under the abolition of efficiency rating which is working now as powerful control means on teachers. In other aspects, this issue is related to conflicts of an ideology that has not achieved reform. As an alternative, the establishment of education professional graduate school in universities, providing principal qualification course and opening it to all teachers who want to be a principal in the future. In addition, the institutionalization of teachers committee,students committee, and parents committee is needed. Furthermore, the guaranty of members’ participation, the re-classification of power system in school should take place. The revision of educational administrative system such as the abolition of regional educational office should also be promoted. Nonetheless, the assignment style principals’ application system which was adopted as a government policy for the first time in history and the change of principal appointment system from closed system to opened system has an important value. Crucial future tasks include reducing the influence of the ministry of education and overcoming of collectivism. The ministry of education has overwhelming power oppressing citizens and president advisory bodies that propose and choose policies. In addition, since a sense of collectivism is strong among teachers’ group and teachers’ labor union, they are disregarding important policies such as principals’ application and education support centers. These two subjects remain problems that should be resolved. Why Do We Have to Abolish a Local Office of Education?Disappearance of Responsibility, A local educational administration system is basically the base to support the school education financially and administratively. However, some offices of education have focused on such as financial planning and personnel affairs rather than national education services. It caused the office of education to be considered as the hotbed of ‘bureaucratism’ - not take the responsibility but exercise one’s right, and be become the target of criticism. The Platform of Teachers’ Competition for Promotion, A local office of education was changed into the platform of teachers’ competition for promotion. Teachers are willing to work at the local office of education to have advantages of having good positions - a teacher is promoted to the vice-principle, a vice-principle is promoted to the principle, a principle wants to be transferred to a better school. Why Do We Need a School Support Center? We Need a program of Introduction for Education Support Center.