초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study was designed:(a) to develop the method of adding the decoy effect to the selling menu, (b) to provide the basic data of establishing its sales strategy by evaluating the perception of the customer about the reservation price of the bundle menu and(c) ultimately to maximize sales and profits in family restaurants.A questionnaire was made out for individually providing 3 types menu of the same table; 1 type of pure bundling that was composed of only set menu without menu price and 2 types of mixed bundling where the price of the menu was expressed. Total of 167 completed questionnaires were obtained and analyzed using SPSS package(v.12.0) program. There were differences in willingness to pay among groups about the individual menu price(high and low) applying the individual menu price as the decoy effect to the mixed bundling menu. The reservation price about the selected set menu in two groups(mixed bundling high price group and mixed bundling low price group) showed the significant difference in proportion to the provided price(p<0.05). And in the same bundle menu, if the mixed bundling and the pure bundling were provided, the paying price about set menu chosen by the mixed bundling high price group and the pure bundling group was significant in comparative analysis among groups(p<0.05). The higher the price suggested to the customer was, the higher willingness to pay of the customer was showed. The study on the change of willingness to pay of the customer applying the decoy effect among the bundling types to the individual menu price is academically important.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Decoy effect, Bundle menu, Reservation price, Reasonable price