초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper intends to study the revision of insurance documents under ISBP 745 relative to the following aspects: issuer, signing and original of an insurance document, dates, an insured party and endorsement. Main revised contents of insurance documents under ISBP 745 are as follows: First, an insurance document is to appear to have been issued and signed by an insurance company or underwriter or their agent or proxy. Second, an insurance document that indicates that cover is provided by more than one insurer may be signed by a single agent or proxy on behalf of all insurers or be signed by an insurer for [or on behalf of] all co-insurers. Third, when a credit requires the insurance document to be issued in more than one original, or when the insurance document indicates that it has been issued in more than one original, all originals are to be presented and are to appear to have been signed. Fourth, an insurance document that indicates coverage has been effected from ‘warehouse-to-warehouse’ or words of similar effect, and is dated after the date of shipment, does not indicate that coverage was effective from a date not later than the date of shipment. Fifth, a credit should not require an insurance document to be issued ‘to bearer’, or ‘to order’. A credit should indicate the name of an insurance party. Sixth, when a credit is silent as to the insured party, an insurance document is not to evidence that claims are payable to the order of, or in favour of, the beneficiary or any entity other than the issuing bank or applicant, unless it is endorsed by the beneficiary or that entity in blank or in favour of the issuing bank or applicant.