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네 교사 모두 수학 수업에서 교사의 발문과 토론의 중요성에 대해서는 공감했지만, 교사의 발문 의도 및 학생 간의 의사소통의 본질 측면에서는 차이가 드러났다. 과제 영역에 관심을 둔 교사 A, B보다는 영향 영역에 관심을 둔 교사 C, D가 현행 교육과정에서 강조하는 수학적 의사소통에 근접한 이해 양상을 나타냈다.2. 수학적 의사소통에 관한 실행형태 비교분석

The purpose of this study was to analyze how teachers understand learner-centered instruction reflected in the 7th national mathematics curriculum and in what ways they implement it in their classrooms. As a qualitative case study, 4 teachers were selected on the basis of in-depth interviews as well as the 'stages of concern questionnaire' stemming from the concerns-based adoption model. Whereas two teachers displayed task concerns, the others showed impact concerns. Four mathematics lessons of each teacher were videotaped and interviews were conducted with the teachers. Various types of documents were collected and analyzed in terms of mathematical communication. Teachers who had impact concerns about learner-centered instruction understood the intention of the curriculum better than the teachers who had task concerns about learner-centered instruction. The former also tended to carry out such an intention in their classrooms more than the latter did. A close analysis of teachers with the same concerns showed significant differences in terms of teacher-student and student-student interaction. A more important difference was the degree by which the teachers were able to use students' various ideas and interactions in a way to develop sophisticated mathematical thinking. Given this, it needs to study teachers' stages of concern about the national curriculum. It also needs to help teachers understand clearly the intention of the national curriculum and then effective supporting systems should be established for the full implementation. Finally, it needs to analyze the operational curriculum in detail, specifically with regard to the nature of mathematical communication.

The purpose of this study was to analyze how teachers understand learner-centered instruction reflected in the 7th national mathematics curriculum and in what ways they implement it in their classrooms. As a qualitative case study, 4 teachers were selected on the basis of in-depth interviews as well as the 'stages of concern questionnaire' stemming from the concerns-based adoption model. Whereas two teachers displayed task concerns, the others showed impact concerns. Four mathematics lessons of each teacher were videotaped and interviews were conducted with the teachers. Various types of documents were collected and analyzed in terms of mathematical communication. Teachers who had impact concerns about learner-centered instruction understood the intention of the curriculum better than the teachers who had task concerns about learner-centered instruction. The former also tended to carry out such an intention in their classrooms more than the latter did. A close analysis of teachers with the same concerns showed significant differences in terms of teacher-student and student-student interaction. A more important difference was the degree by which the teachers were able to use students' various ideas and interactions in a way to develop sophisticated mathematical thinking. Given this, it needs to study teachers' stages of concern about the national curriculum. It also needs to help teachers understand clearly the intention of the national curriculum and then effective supporting systems should be established for the full implementation. Finally, it needs to analyze the operational curriculum in detail, specifically with regard to the nature of mathematical communication.