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古詩批評은 南啓宇에 의해 1838년에 지어진 시 비평서이며, 근래에 새롭게 발견된 자료이다. 작자인 남계우는 순조 11년(1811)에 태어나 고종 25년(1888)에 사망한 인물이며, 나비를 잘 그린 화가로 널리 알려져 있다. 古詩批評에는 <孔雀東南飛>라는 작품이 평점되어 있다. 평점은 고전비평의 한 형식이지만, 중국에서 지어진 작품들만이 널리 읽혀져 왔다. 따라서 국내의 평점 자료는 드문 것으로 알려져 있는데, 고시비평을 통해 당시 지어진 평점 자료의 형식과 내용을 확인할 수 있어 문학사적으로 중요한 자료적 가치가 있다고 평가할 수 있다.古詩批評의 평점은 독자들로 하여금 문장에 대한 본질을 이해시키고, 이를 통해 적극적인 독서를 꾀하도록 했다는 점에서 특징적이다. 그리고 이러한 문장 인식하에 ‘字’에서 ‘句’와 ‘章’으로 이어지는 유기적 관계를 상정하고 있으며, ‘天女散花之法’과 ‘反景回照法’ 등의 문장 작법을 통해 <공작동남비>를 체계적으로 비평하고 있다. 이로 인해 고시비평의 평점은 비평의 영역을 확보할 수 있었고, 남계우의 문장 인식과 문장 작법은 비평적 해석으로서 의미가 있다고 할 수 있다.

Goshi Bipyeong(古詩批評) is a book of poetry critique as authored by Nam, Gye-woo(1838) in the latter of Chosun dynasty, and has been also newly found in these days. Born in the 11th year of King Sunjo (1811) and dead in the 25th year of King Gojong(1888), Nam has been well known to be a Korean painter who was good at depicting butterfly. In Goshi Bipyeong, he gave a critique about a poem titled <Gongjak Dong-nambi(孔雀東南飛)>. This poetry critique called pyeongjeom demonstrates Nam's own literary criticism and syntactic perception well. Historically, pyeongjeom is a sort of ancient literature critique, but it focused primarily on ancient Chinese poetry works as well popularized. Therefore, there are reportedly very little domestic literatures showing such pyeongjeom, so Nam's Goshi Bipyeong has so significant value as a reference material that we may identify the forms and contents of his contemporary pyeongjeom. The pyeongjeom contained in Goshi Bipyeong is well characterized by helping readers understand the substance of sentences and thereby go on to more positive reading activities. Based on this syntactic perception, he also assumes a series of organic relationships from ‘character(字)’ via ‘phrase(句)’ to ‘sentence(章)’, unfolding his formulated critiques through syntactic composition as exemplified by ‘Cheon-nyeo Sanhwajibeop(天女散花之法)’, ‘Ban-gyeong Hoejobeop(反景回照法)’ and the like. These trials facilitated Goshi Bipyeong's pyeongjeom to obtain its own standpoint in the sphere of ancient Chinese poetry critique. As a result, his syntactic perception and composition could be successfully justified as a standard of critical interpretation in his contemporary days.

Goshi Bipyeong(古詩批評) is a book of poetry critique as authored by Nam, Gye-woo(1838) in the latter of Chosun dynasty, and has been also newly found in these days. Born in the 11th year of King Sunjo (1811) and dead in the 25th year of King Gojong(1888), Nam has been well known to be a Korean painter who was good at depicting butterfly. In Goshi Bipyeong, he gave a critique about a poem titled <Gongjak Dong-nambi(孔雀東南飛)>. This poetry critique called pyeongjeom demonstrates Nam's own literary criticism and syntactic perception well. Historically, pyeongjeom is a sort of ancient literature critique, but it focused primarily on ancient Chinese poetry works as well popularized. Therefore, there are reportedly very little domestic literatures showing such pyeongjeom, so Nam's Goshi Bipyeong has so significant value as a reference material that we may identify the forms and contents of his contemporary pyeongjeom. The pyeongjeom contained in Goshi Bipyeong is well characterized by helping readers understand the substance of sentences and thereby go on to more positive reading activities. Based on this syntactic perception, he also assumes a series of organic relationships from ‘character(字)’ via ‘phrase(句)’ to ‘sentence(章)’, unfolding his formulated critiques through syntactic composition as exemplified by ‘Cheon-nyeo Sanhwajibeop(天女散花之法)’, ‘Ban-gyeong Hoejobeop(反景回照法)’ and the like. These trials facilitated Goshi Bipyeong's pyeongjeom to obtain its own standpoint in the sphere of ancient Chinese poetry critique. As a result, his syntactic perception and composition could be successfully justified as a standard of critical interpretation in his contemporary days.