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종형제간인 李匡贊과 李匡師는 1755년 乙亥獄에 연루되어 明川과 富寧이라는 극변으로 유배되어 있으면서 시문을 창작하고 서신을 통해 그에 대한 인식을 나누었다. 評斗南은 이광찬의 시문에 대한 이해와 비평의 양상을 보여준다. 이광찬은 사실적인 漢詩를 중시하였고, 산문에 있어서는 的實한 字句의 사용을 강조하였다. 또한 明代 古文辭派에 대해 功過를 구분하여 이해할 것을 주문하였으며, 墓道文字는 적절한 양식적 특징을 통해 傳神을 강조하였다. 다만 종형제간의 특수한 관계에서 생산된 것인 만큼 18세기 한문학비평의 특징으로 평가하기에는 한계를 지닌다. 그러나 한시의 인상비평에 경도된 한문학비평에서 꼼꼼하고 참신한 실제비평의 일단을 제시한다는 점에서 주목된다.

"Criticizing Collected Works by Dunam"(Pyeong Dunam, 評斗南) produced by Yi Gwang-chan, a critical anthology of "Collected Works by Dunam"(Dunam-jip, 斗南集), Yi Gwang-sa who made this works when he was exiled in Buryeong, 1755, is one of the samples concerning substantial criticism in Korean traditional literature. Yi Gwang-chan's criticism actually shows issues of literary expressions and evaluation of School of Classical Prose (古文辭派) including varied comments on poetry and prose. Yi Gwang-sa's creative activities on literature and Yi Gwang-chan's keen criticism might be caused by their inclinations and thinking of way. Being naturally energetic, Yi Gwang-sa was vigorous, while Yi Gwang-chan had mild propensity in their personal character. Despite their opposite inclinations, the early experience to learn together enabled them to criticize or evaluate each own writing. On the other side, their sharing the family tragedy, "Eulhae-ok"(乙亥獄, a political calamity in the cyclical year, eulhae), might make them more tie emotionally each other. It is unclear that the unique criticism shown in "Criticizing Collected Works by Dunam" and "Collected Works by Dunam" was accepted as a literary practice in the late Joseon period. Due to its omitted pages of Criticising Collected Works by Dunam, the specific approach to Yi Gwang-chan's literary criticism is hard to available. His comments on Yi Gang-sa's literary works also can be said that they are not elaborative because they were intentionally adapted to Yi Gang-sa' individual piece of work. Given other collected works mainly consisting of poems, prose, and other essays, their works of criticism merit expand the horizon of Korean traditional literature in late Joseon.

"Criticizing Collected Works by Dunam"(Pyeong Dunam, 評斗南) produced by Yi Gwang-chan, a critical anthology of "Collected Works by Dunam"(Dunam-jip, 斗南集), Yi Gwang-sa who made this works when he was exiled in Buryeong, 1755, is one of the samples concerning substantial criticism in Korean traditional literature. Yi Gwang-chan's criticism actually shows issues of literary expressions and evaluation of School of Classical Prose (古文辭派) including varied comments on poetry and prose. Yi Gwang-sa's creative activities on literature and Yi Gwang-chan's keen criticism might be caused by their inclinations and thinking of way. Being naturally energetic, Yi Gwang-sa was vigorous, while Yi Gwang-chan had mild propensity in their personal character. Despite their opposite inclinations, the early experience to learn together enabled them to criticize or evaluate each own writing. On the other side, their sharing the family tragedy, "Eulhae-ok"(乙亥獄, a political calamity in the cyclical year, eulhae), might make them more tie emotionally each other. It is unclear that the unique criticism shown in "Criticizing Collected Works by Dunam" and "Collected Works by Dunam" was accepted as a literary practice in the late Joseon period. Due to its omitted pages of Criticising Collected Works by Dunam, the specific approach to Yi Gwang-chan's literary criticism is hard to available. His comments on Yi Gang-sa's literary works also can be said that they are not elaborative because they were intentionally adapted to Yi Gang-sa' individual piece of work. Given other collected works mainly consisting of poems, prose, and other essays, their works of criticism merit expand the horizon of Korean traditional literature in late Joseon.