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본고는 기묘사림의 일원인 김세필, 이자, 이연경 등이 충주 일원에 물러나 살면서 박상, 김정국, 신광한 등 또다른 기묘사림들과 충주와 여주 등 남한강 일대에서 벌였던 문학 활동에 대한 연구다. 지비천 가의 말마리에 있던 김세필의 공자당, 음애와 토계에 있던 이자의 과정과 몽암, 탄금대에서 남한강 상류 쪽에 있던 이연경의 용탄 등에 대해서는 문화지리학의 시각에서 자세히 살폈다. 이러한 학문과 문학의 공간에 대한 연구를 통하여 충주 일원의 문화콘텐츠를 확보하는데 일조를 할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

This thesis focused on the literary meetings held along South Han River in early 16th century. The participants of the meeting were Kim SePil(金世弼), Yi Ja(李耔), and Yi YeonGyong(李延慶) who were retired in ChungJu and YeoJu. Park Sang(朴祥), Kim JeongGuk(金正國) and Shin GwangHan(申光漢) also joined in it. We call them GiMyoSaRim(己卯士林). This thesis made the cultural geographical approach on the Kim SePil's GongJaDang in MalMaRi alongside JiBi river and Yi Ja’s GwaJeong and MongAm in EumAe(陰崖) and ToGye(兎溪). This research on the literary and scientific space could be helpful to find cultural resource in ChungJu.

This thesis focused on the literary meetings held along South Han River in early 16th century. The participants of the meeting were Kim SePil(金世弼), Yi Ja(李耔), and Yi YeonGyong(李延慶) who were retired in ChungJu and YeoJu. Park Sang(朴祥), Kim JeongGuk(金正國) and Shin GwangHan(申光漢) also joined in it. We call them GiMyoSaRim(己卯士林). This thesis made the cultural geographical approach on the Kim SePil's GongJaDang in MalMaRi alongside JiBi river and Yi Ja’s GwaJeong and MongAm in EumAe(陰崖) and ToGye(兎溪). This research on the literary and scientific space could be helpful to find cultural resource in ChungJu.