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綺閣閒筆은 19세기 중반에 綺閣이라는 여성 작가에 의해 창작된 한글 필사본 한시집이다. 기각의 실체가 분명하게 드러나지 않으나 기각의 고향은 魯城이고 거주지는 靑陽으로 명문가로 시집간 여성으로 추정 된다. 시에 뛰어난 인물로 추정되는 금원, 기각의 오빠인 ‘샹회’, ‘야운’이라는 從姪, ‘해장’이라는 여승 등과도 교유하여 증답, 수창한 시편이 보여 기각과의 교유를 말해준다. 기각한필의 창작시기는 洪顯周(1793~1865)가 17세에 지은 <東嘉十景>(1809년 작)을 原韻으로 창작한 차운시를 통해 대략 19세기 중반 이후로 추정된다. 기각의 시세계는 일상 생활을 소재로 하여 마치 한 편의 풍속화를 보듯 구체적이고, 입체적으로 표현하고 있다. 또한 여성의 내면의식을 살필 수 있는 시가 있어 기각의 자의식을 살필 수 있다. 이런 시 외에 현실세계(혹은 상상의 세계)의 것이 아닌 텍스트의 세계에서 詩料를 취하여 시세계를 만들고 있다. 이는 시학습의 과정이면서 詩才를 발휘하는 유희적 성격도 드러내 준다.

Gigak Hanpil is a collection of Chinese poem written by Gigak, a woman writer, in Korean alphabet manuscript, in the mid of 19th century. Although Gigak's identity is not revealed, precise analysis on her poems could show her rough background. First, her hometown is Noseong(魯城) and she lived in Cheongyang(靑陽). Second, Gigak is supposed to be born in a family that was qualified to state examination and married the son of mighty clans. Third, she had interchanged with several persons through poem. The most noticeable is Geumwon(錦園), the next is Sanghoi(샹회), her elder brother. Besides, she seemed to associate with Yawun (her male cousin´s son), Haejang (a Buddhist nun) and some others. Gigak Hanpil is supposed to be written in the mid of 19th century. The most reasonable reason of such presumption are the 10 poems written with the rhyme of <Donggasibyeong (東嘉十詠)> which was written by Hong Hyun Joo (洪顯周, 1793~1865). So, Gigak Hanpil was written at least after 1809 when 17 years old Hong Hyun Joo created <Donggasibyeong>. It can be said that the first distinctive feature of Gigak is 'discovery of life'. The second feature is the limitation of womanlike disposition. Only several poems in Gigak Hanpil show the inner world. Even such poems do not clearly demonstrate the aspects of woman with subjective inside. The third feature is that her poems reveal well the aspect of Chinese poem learning. It means that she made poem with the materials got from text world, not from real world or imaginary world. This not only discloses the course of Chinese poem learning but also shows much the amusement character that display her talent of poem.

Gigak Hanpil is a collection of Chinese poem written by Gigak, a woman writer, in Korean alphabet manuscript, in the mid of 19th century. Although Gigak's identity is not revealed, precise analysis on her poems could show her rough background. First, her hometown is Noseong(魯城) and she lived in Cheongyang(靑陽). Second, Gigak is supposed to be born in a family that was qualified to state examination and married the son of mighty clans. Third, she had interchanged with several persons through poem. The most noticeable is Geumwon(錦園), the next is Sanghoi(샹회), her elder brother. Besides, she seemed to associate with Yawun (her male cousin´s son), Haejang (a Buddhist nun) and some others. Gigak Hanpil is supposed to be written in the mid of 19th century. The most reasonable reason of such presumption are the 10 poems written with the rhyme of <Donggasibyeong (東嘉十詠)> which was written by Hong Hyun Joo (洪顯周, 1793~1865). So, Gigak Hanpil was written at least after 1809 when 17 years old Hong Hyun Joo created <Donggasibyeong>. It can be said that the first distinctive feature of Gigak is 'discovery of life'. The second feature is the limitation of womanlike disposition. Only several poems in Gigak Hanpil show the inner world. Even such poems do not clearly demonstrate the aspects of woman with subjective inside. The third feature is that her poems reveal well the aspect of Chinese poem learning. It means that she made poem with the materials got from text world, not from real world or imaginary world. This not only discloses the course of Chinese poem learning but also shows much the amusement character that display her talent of poem.