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<삼성신화>는 이본별 차이가 별로 없다는 기존 논의와는 달리, 조선 초에 문자화된 세종실록 및 고려사의 「지리지」, 정이오의 「성주고씨전」, 고득종의 「서세문」의 <삼성신화>는 주목할 만한 차이를 드러낸다. 건국 화소의 유무, 신화적 신이성이 투영되는 정도, 신화적 사건을 역사적 사건으로 전환하여 이해하려는 경향, 姓氏에 대한 입장 등에서 세 이본은 서로 다른 양상을 보인다. 표현상의 편차와 그에 따른 신화적 의미의 차이는 각 이본을 문자화한 기록자의 의도가 서로 다르기 때문이다. 그런데 각 이본을 특징짓는 그러한 ‘의도’는 조선 초기에 진행된 제주의 정치적 ‘주변부화’와 관련하여 기록자들이 처해 있던 위치와 긴밀하게 맞물려 있음이 확인된다. 조선초 <삼성신화>의 문자화는 신화 전승의 토대가 되는 집단이 권력에서 소외되어 주변부로 내몰리는 역사적 조건 하에서 중심부와 주변부의 특정한 정치적 의도가 신화라는 담론 형식으로 드러나는 양상을 잘 보여준다. 주변부의 신화는 권력의 지배를 정당화하는 중심부의 담론으로 재편․공식화되며, 다른 한편 주변부에서는 권력을 상실한 주변부 지배층의 정치적 위치를 보증하려는 내부적 담론으로 재편되기도 하는 것이다.

In early time of the Joseon Dynasty, a myth of Jeju island had been lettered by various versions. The samseong shinhwa(三姓神話 The myth of the three surnames.) has three versions. This paper investigates the differences among each versions and seeks to understand the reasons why was the myth lettered by various versions in the same period. The three extant versions of this myth which known its writer and its lettered time, are the rendition recorded in the Koryeosa(高麗史 The History of Koryeo), the official history of the Koryeo Dynasty complied in the Joseon Dynasty, and the Seosemun(序世文), the rendition in the genealogy of the Ko family of Jeju, and the SeongjuKossijeon(星主高氏傳) written by Jeong I-o, a government official of Joseon. They show differences each other in some aspects. For example, the foundation motif is only in the Seosemun(序世文). In The SeongjuKossijeon(星主高氏傳), the divinity of this myth is very weakend. The Seosemun(序世文) and the rendition in the Koryeosa(高麗史), see the myth as historial facts. As a result, the three versions of this myth have the different mythological meanings each other. This myth of Seosemun(序世文) is the foundation myth of Tamna(耽羅 the kingdom of Jeju island) and points up the founder who is the ancestor of Ko family. The rendition in the Koryeosa(高麗史) tells the divine origin of Jeju, but it doesn't admit the kingdom of Jeju and the Ko family as its ruler. It see the myth just as a sacred tale in Jeju. The SeongjuKossijeon(星主高氏傳) see the myth as the origin story of the Ko family of Jeju which is the porvinces of Joseon Dynasty. In early time of the Joseon Dynasty, the Jeju lost its political status as a independent kingdom and was located on the political margin of the Joseon dynasty which had appeared as the political center. The rewritings of the samseong shinhwa(三姓神話) of Jeju, show clearly that political intentions are expesed in the form of myth discourses.

In early time of the Joseon Dynasty, a myth of Jeju island had been lettered by various versions. The samseong shinhwa(三姓神話 The myth of the three surnames.) has three versions. This paper investigates the differences among each versions and seeks to understand the reasons why was the myth lettered by various versions in the same period. The three extant versions of this myth which known its writer and its lettered time, are the rendition recorded in the Koryeosa(高麗史 The History of Koryeo), the official history of the Koryeo Dynasty complied in the Joseon Dynasty, and the Seosemun(序世文), the rendition in the genealogy of the Ko family of Jeju, and the SeongjuKossijeon(星主高氏傳) written by Jeong I-o, a government official of Joseon. They show differences each other in some aspects. For example, the foundation motif is only in the Seosemun(序世文). In The SeongjuKossijeon(星主高氏傳), the divinity of this myth is very weakend. The Seosemun(序世文) and the rendition in the Koryeosa(高麗史), see the myth as historial facts. As a result, the three versions of this myth have the different mythological meanings each other. This myth of Seosemun(序世文) is the foundation myth of Tamna(耽羅 the kingdom of Jeju island) and points up the founder who is the ancestor of Ko family. The rendition in the Koryeosa(高麗史) tells the divine origin of Jeju, but it doesn't admit the kingdom of Jeju and the Ko family as its ruler. It see the myth just as a sacred tale in Jeju. The SeongjuKossijeon(星主高氏傳) see the myth as the origin story of the Ko family of Jeju which is the porvinces of Joseon Dynasty. In early time of the Joseon Dynasty, the Jeju lost its political status as a independent kingdom and was located on the political margin of the Joseon dynasty which had appeared as the political center. The rewritings of the samseong shinhwa(三姓神話) of Jeju, show clearly that political intentions are expesed in the form of myth discourses.