초록 열기/닫기 버튼

고전소설 <토끼전>의 텍스트, 즉 필사본, 방각본, 구활자본을 각각 필사매체, 인쇄매체, 대중출판(인쇄)매체로 보고 그 변환에 따라 작품이 어떻게 바뀌어 갔는가를 살펴보았다. 매체의 변환에 따라 텍스트의 존재방식이 어떻게 달라졌나를 살핀 것이다. 필사본인 가람본 <별토가>는 혼재성과 다양성, 변이성이라는 필사매체의 속성으로 인하여 사건과 사설이 서로 뒤엉키는 양상을 보여주고 다양한 목소리들이 부연되어 일대 난장판을 벌이며 봉건권력에 대한 희화와 비속화를 보여주었다. 그럼으로써 가장 신랄하게 봉건권력을 풍자⋅조롱한 텍스트로 나아갈 수 있었다. 방각본인 경판 <토생전>은 공식화 혹은 공유화라는 인쇄매체의 속성에 따라 내용이 정제되었으며 판소리의 사설이 문장체로 정리되었다. 봉건권력이 존중되고 이를 위해 희생하는 자라의 충성이 강조되었다. 완판 <퇴별가>는 봉건체제에 대한 풍자와 미화를 적절한 선에서 타협했던 바, 자라의 충성을 중심에 놓았지만 또한 봉건체제의 모순을 풍자하기도 하였다. 구활자본은 대중출판 혹은 대중독서물로서 대중화, 상품화라는 대중출판(인쇄)매체의 특성에 맞게 울긋불긋하고 화려한 표지, 보기 편한 4호 활자, 호흡단위 띄어쓰기, 대화와 지문의 구별 등 다양한 변화를 보였다. 이는 본격적인 독서물로서 독자들의 구미에 맞추기 위한 것이었다. 이에 따라 <토의간>, <별주부전> 등의 작품들은 사설이 줄어들고 대신 사건중심으로 이야기가 전개되며, 봉건체제의 운명 같은 심각한 문제는 사라지고 흥미소가 대폭 강화되어 지혜 겨루기 양상을 보였다. 당시 사회가 반봉건 상태였기에 忠이라는 주제가 자연스레 수용될 수 있었고 초월적 존재가 등장하여 이를 미화시키는 역할을 수행했다.

The text of Tokkijeon, a classical novel, remains in a manuscript edition, a block print edition, and an old-printed edition. I regard each of them as manuscript media, published media, and mass-published media, respectively. In this paper, I have examined how the classical novel was changed, that is, how the existence style of text was transformed. Garambon <Byeltoga>, the manuscript edition, has the media properties of confusion, variety, and variation. This showed features which mix happening and story. By making many kinds of voice, however, it exhibited satire and vulgarity on the feudal power. This edition is the text which satirizes and ridicules in the most biting way. Seoul block print <Tosaengjeon>, the block print edition, has the media properties of formalization or sharing. Its story was elaborated and its complicated narrations were rewritten as the sentence style. The feudal power was respected, and the turtle's sacrifice was described to emphasize the loyalty. On the other hand, Jeonju block print <Toebyelga> showed that the turtle's loyalty was the main theme to seek compromise. But this work satirized the conflict of feudal system. The old-printed edition <Touigan>, <Byeoljubujeon> has the media properties of popularization as mass publication or mass reading material. Its narration was much shortened and its story was described with respect to happenings. The serious problems in regard to the feudal system disappeared in the edition, and this showed the feature of intelligence test since interesting elements were strengthened. Because the society was in the semi-feudal state, the theme 'loyalty' was naturally put in this edition, and the supernatural existence was on the stage, which played a role in beautifying the loyalty.

The text of Tokkijeon, a classical novel, remains in a manuscript edition, a block print edition, and an old-printed edition. I regard each of them as manuscript media, published media, and mass-published media, respectively. In this paper, I have examined how the classical novel was changed, that is, how the existence style of text was transformed. Garambon <Byeltoga>, the manuscript edition, has the media properties of confusion, variety, and variation. This showed features which mix happening and story. By making many kinds of voice, however, it exhibited satire and vulgarity on the feudal power. This edition is the text which satirizes and ridicules in the most biting way. Seoul block print <Tosaengjeon>, the block print edition, has the media properties of formalization or sharing. Its story was elaborated and its complicated narrations were rewritten as the sentence style. The feudal power was respected, and the turtle's sacrifice was described to emphasize the loyalty. On the other hand, Jeonju block print <Toebyelga> showed that the turtle's loyalty was the main theme to seek compromise. But this work satirized the conflict of feudal system. The old-printed edition <Touigan>, <Byeoljubujeon> has the media properties of popularization as mass publication or mass reading material. Its narration was much shortened and its story was described with respect to happenings. The serious problems in regard to the feudal system disappeared in the edition, and this showed the feature of intelligence test since interesting elements were strengthened. Because the society was in the semi-feudal state, the theme 'loyalty' was naturally put in this edition, and the supernatural existence was on the stage, which played a role in beautifying the loyalty.