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柳僖는 儒醫로 생계를 꾸렸다. 1814년 6월에 손에 마비 증세가 왔을 때 쓴 「手病」이란 산문에서, “나는 빈천하면서 할 일이 많은 사람이다.”라 하고는 손이 다시 나으면 남의 병을 고치고 또 남의 서찰에 응수하며 남의 일을 떠맡아 힘쓰겠다고 했다. 그는 포의로 삶을 마쳤지만 방대한 양의 『文通』을 남겼다. 유희는 그는 서울이나 안산 등에 거주하는 명류들과 문학세계를 공유하지 않았다. 하지만 세간의 부조리를 광정하겠다는 의지를 잃지 않았으며, 다양한 사상 조류에 대해 연찬하고 서양 천문력을 받아들여 과학적 사고를 확장했다. 유희의 한문문학은 통속적이다. 소재가 통속적이며, 한문 문장은 구법과 행문이 정돈되어 있지 않다. 그가 남긴 여러 편의 遊記는 이념을 함축하거나 의론으로 제시하지 않았고 서정과 묘사의 정교한 織造를 시도하지 않았다. 본고는 유희의 한문문학이 지닌 특성 가운데 ‘통속적 생활세계와 정감의 문학적 형상화’와 ‘속가에의 관심과 번역한시체의 개발’이라는 두 측면을 부각시켰다. 유희의 한문문학에 대한 검토는 향후 19세기 중간지식인들의 문학 세계를 이해하는데 한 가지 단서가 되리라 생각한다.

Yu Hui(柳僖) who passed away to be a scholar without a government office, left his work, Muntong(文通) which includes an enormous amount of contents. This essay is to introduce his literaty works, especially his poets. He was a medical doctor and at the same time was a Confucianist as well. In 1814, when his hand was paralyzed, he said, in his writing hand trouble(手病), that he was poor and had lots of works to do, and also said that when he got well, he would treat others' disease and live a life for others. He did not keep company with prominent men in Seoul or Ansan(安山) which were the cultural center at that time. But he did not lose his will to correct social absurdities and also studied various kind of thought and culture including scientific province as well. He used popular language in his literaty works. Their disordered sentences prove it. His record of tour(遊記) neither impled or presented morality or ideology like other literati who used orthodox style, nor tried to elaborate descriptions of one's feeling like those who introduced short compositons(小品文). In this essay, I tired to introduce two specific points that are revealed in his literaty works, i.e. the expansion of literature into the realm of oral tradition and volk customs, and the examination of popular songs and the creation of the style of chinese poetry which translates and introduces oral tradition and volk customs. Researches on Yu Hui's literaty works will be a clue to understand the literature of the middle class in nineteen century.

Yu Hui(柳僖) who passed away to be a scholar without a government office, left his work, Muntong(文通) which includes an enormous amount of contents. This essay is to introduce his literaty works, especially his poets. He was a medical doctor and at the same time was a Confucianist as well. In 1814, when his hand was paralyzed, he said, in his writing hand trouble(手病), that he was poor and had lots of works to do, and also said that when he got well, he would treat others' disease and live a life for others. He did not keep company with prominent men in Seoul or Ansan(安山) which were the cultural center at that time. But he did not lose his will to correct social absurdities and also studied various kind of thought and culture including scientific province as well. He used popular language in his literaty works. Their disordered sentences prove it. His record of tour(遊記) neither impled or presented morality or ideology like other literati who used orthodox style, nor tried to elaborate descriptions of one's feeling like those who introduced short compositons(小品文). In this essay, I tired to introduce two specific points that are revealed in his literaty works, i.e. the expansion of literature into the realm of oral tradition and volk customs, and the examination of popular songs and the creation of the style of chinese poetry which translates and introduces oral tradition and volk customs. Researches on Yu Hui's literaty works will be a clue to understand the literature of the middle class in nineteen century.