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판소리는 조선 후기에 성립된 광대 소리의 하나다. 또한 이러한 판소리는 조선 후기 전반적인 광대 문화의 변동 속에 성립되었다고 보아야 한다. 조선 후기에 판소리가 성립된 가장 중요한 이유 중의 하나는 조선 전기까지만 하더라도 광대들의 주요 공연물의 하나였던 話劇이 조선 후기에 들어 더 이상 광대들의 주요 공연물이 되지 않았던 것에 있다. 화극은 궁궐의 儺禮戱를 주요 문화적 기반으로 하였다. 화극은 매년 연말이면 광대들이 궁궐의 나례희에서 궁궐 안에서만 살아 궐 밖의 일들을 잘 모르는 임금을 주관객으로 하여 궐 밖의 여러 일들을 한 명의 광대가 중심이 되어 간단한 재담과 흉내내기를 통해 연극으로 꾸며 보여 주는 것을 주요 문화적 기반으로 한 것이다. 그런데, 조선 후기 곧 인조 이후 이러한 궁궐의 나례희가 폐지됨으로써 이러한 화극이 더 이상 광대들의 가장 주요한 공연물이 될 필요가 없게 된 것이다. 그래서 조선 후기 궁궐의 나례희가 폐지된 이후에는 이러한 종래의 화극 혹은 재담극에 광대들이 그들의 또 하나의 장기인 소리까지도 동원해 재담소리를 만들었고 이를 더욱 발전시켜 판소리에까지 나아갈 수 있었던 것이다. 또한 임ㆍ병 양란 중에 광대들이 많이 흩어져 조선 후기에 들어서 중앙의 산대희에 종래처럼 경기도 지역까지의 광대들만으로 그 숫자를 채우지 못하자 종래와 달리 이러한 중앙의 산대희에 8도의 광대들 특히 전라도의 광대들이 대규모로 동원되었다. 이러한 중앙의 산대희에서의 전라도 광대들 중심으로의 변화는 이후의 광대 문화가 전라도 광대들 중심으로 전개되게 하였다. 그리고 이들 전라도 광대들에 의해 판소리의 성립과 발전이 본격화된다. 이 외에도 광대들의 민간에서의 가장 중요한 활동 공간이었던 과거 급제자의 행사도 조선 후기 민간 문화의 발달로 더욱 화려해졌다. 이러한 과거 급제자의 행사도 과거가 열리고 과거 급제자들도 많았던 서울을 중심으로 이뤄진 것은 당연한 일이다. 이렇듯 조선 후기 서울에서의 광대 문화의 변동이 조선 후기 판소리의 성립과 발전에 결정적 역할을 하였다.

Pansori(판소리) is one of the Kwangdae's songs. It was just made in the later period of Joseon Dynasty. So it was made in the general current of Kwangdae's culture in that period. The most important reason why Pansori was made is the decline of Hwa-geug(화극. 話劇). A king lives in the palace, so he don't know affairs of outsides of it. So there are some plays that treat the very interesting political or social subjects by usually one Kwangdae(광대; a clown or a jester) at Narye-heui(나례희. 儺禮戱; a ceremony on the last day of the year) in the palace. The play performed by only one Kwangdae's simple words and actions is able to be called as Hwa-geug. Hwa-geug was the one most important plays in the former period of Joseon Dynasty, because the Narye-heui-king is a major spectator in that ceremony and that play is the most important performance in that ceremony too-was held in that period. But as the Narye-heui was closed at the later period of Joseon Dynasty, as Jaedam-sori(재담 소리; very humorous narrative songs) and Pansori became the most important the general clown's performance in that period. Because Hwa-geug that only uses simple words and actions is a very simple play. So we know that the decline of Hwa-geug is considerably related to bring into existence of Pansori. Because Hwa-geug can be developed to Jaedam-sori that added songs on Hwa-geug(Jaedam-geug, in other word) and Jaedam-sori can be developed to Pansori. Other reason why Pansori was made is Jeolla-do(전라도) Kwangdaes' gaining power at Sandae-heui(산대희. 山臺戱; a grand festival that was performed by Kwangdae, etc., using a large mountain-shaped construction as both stage and scenery) for Chinese envoies. Mostly Geonggi-do(경기도) Kwangdaes had been called out at Sandae-heui by 1636. But during Japenese Invasion of Joseon in 1592~1598, Ch'ing Dynasty Invasions of Joseon in 1636 and 1637 the Kwangdaes of Geonggi-do scattered. So Kwangdaes from the eight provinces of Joseon are gathered at Sandae-heui after Two Wars. Among them, Kwangdaes from Jeolla-do are overwhelming in number. Because they are rather safe in Two Wars. The majority group at Sandae-heui means very important group in Kwangdae culture from Seoul to provinces. So they contribute to bring into existence and development of Pansori. As the civil activities are more active, as the ceremonies of Kwageo Keupjeja(과거 급제자; those who passed the official exam.) are more splendid in the later period of Joseon Dynasty. This current contribute to bring into existence and development of Pansori too. These the decline of Hwa-geug, the advent of Jeolla-do Kwangdaes and the splendor of the ceremonies of Kwageo Keupjeja are very important aspects in bring into existence and development of Pansori. They all started at Seoul in the later period of Joseon Dynasty. So, the change of Kwangdae's culture in the later period of Joseon Dynasty in Seoul did very decisive role on bring into existence and development of Pansori.

Pansori(판소리) is one of the Kwangdae's songs. It was just made in the later period of Joseon Dynasty. So it was made in the general current of Kwangdae's culture in that period. The most important reason why Pansori was made is the decline of Hwa-geug(화극. 話劇). A king lives in the palace, so he don't know affairs of outsides of it. So there are some plays that treat the very interesting political or social subjects by usually one Kwangdae(광대; a clown or a jester) at Narye-heui(나례희. 儺禮戱; a ceremony on the last day of the year) in the palace. The play performed by only one Kwangdae's simple words and actions is able to be called as Hwa-geug. Hwa-geug was the one most important plays in the former period of Joseon Dynasty, because the Narye-heui-king is a major spectator in that ceremony and that play is the most important performance in that ceremony too-was held in that period. But as the Narye-heui was closed at the later period of Joseon Dynasty, as Jaedam-sori(재담 소리; very humorous narrative songs) and Pansori became the most important the general clown's performance in that period. Because Hwa-geug that only uses simple words and actions is a very simple play. So we know that the decline of Hwa-geug is considerably related to bring into existence of Pansori. Because Hwa-geug can be developed to Jaedam-sori that added songs on Hwa-geug(Jaedam-geug, in other word) and Jaedam-sori can be developed to Pansori. Other reason why Pansori was made is Jeolla-do(전라도) Kwangdaes' gaining power at Sandae-heui(산대희. 山臺戱; a grand festival that was performed by Kwangdae, etc., using a large mountain-shaped construction as both stage and scenery) for Chinese envoies. Mostly Geonggi-do(경기도) Kwangdaes had been called out at Sandae-heui by 1636. But during Japenese Invasion of Joseon in 1592~1598, Ch'ing Dynasty Invasions of Joseon in 1636 and 1637 the Kwangdaes of Geonggi-do scattered. So Kwangdaes from the eight provinces of Joseon are gathered at Sandae-heui after Two Wars. Among them, Kwangdaes from Jeolla-do are overwhelming in number. Because they are rather safe in Two Wars. The majority group at Sandae-heui means very important group in Kwangdae culture from Seoul to provinces. So they contribute to bring into existence and development of Pansori. As the civil activities are more active, as the ceremonies of Kwageo Keupjeja(과거 급제자; those who passed the official exam.) are more splendid in the later period of Joseon Dynasty. This current contribute to bring into existence and development of Pansori too. These the decline of Hwa-geug, the advent of Jeolla-do Kwangdaes and the splendor of the ceremonies of Kwageo Keupjeja are very important aspects in bring into existence and development of Pansori. They all started at Seoul in the later period of Joseon Dynasty. So, the change of Kwangdae's culture in the later period of Joseon Dynasty in Seoul did very decisive role on bring into existence and development of Pansori.