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『고려사』 악지에는 <동동>에 대해 “노랫말에 頌禱하는 말이 있고, 대개 仙語를 본받아 지었다.”고 했다. 그동안 현세의 복을 비는 주술적이고 기복적인 내용이니 ‘頌禱’라 했고, ‘仙語’는 “巫覡․優人의 말이니 천지신명에게 주술적 祈求를 통해 나쁜 기운을 없애고 복을 바라는 말”, “기녀의 역할과 정서를 담고 있는 말”, “노랫말이 없고 마음으로 전하는 神丹의 젓대소리”라고 다양하게 해석해 왔다. 문헌을 통해 보면, ‘頌禱’에서 ‘頌’은 “盛德을 칭송하여 神明에게 고하는 것, 좋게 여기어 복을 기원하는 것, 공덕을 찬양하는 것”이고, ‘禱’는 “재앙을 면하기 위해 기도하고 기원하는 것, 神明에게 소원(장수, 복 등)이 성취되기를 비는 행위”이다. ‘仙語’는 大仙들의 소통방식으로, 신선세계에서 통하는 “신선들의 언어”를 지칭한다. “천년 학 한 마리 華表柱에 앉았네./정수리 붉고 온 몸은 눈처럼 희구나./星星한 신선의 말 사람들 들을 새라./오색구름 속으로 훌쩍 날아가네.”에 그 쓰임이 보이고, “도연명이 山海經 13수를 읽고 그 7수를 仙語라 했는데, 내가 포박자를 읽으니 그를 韻賦한 느낌이다.”와 같이 <보허사>․<자하동>․<독산해경> 7/13수를 선어라고 지칭했다. 이에 이들 작품을 분석한 결과, ‘仙語’는 1)인간세계(속세)의 언어와 차별되고, 2)속세와 다른 환상적이고 신비스러운 신선의 공간을 그리며, 3)죽음과 늙음을 잊고 풍류를 즐기는 신선의 거동을 묘사하는 “신선세계의 언어”이다. <동동>의 序詞인 “德으란~, 福으란~”은 왕을 향해 왕의 덕을 노래하고 복을 빌고, 5월령․7월령․8월령․9월령은 임을 향해 장수와 무궁을 기원하기에 ‘송도’적 성격이 강하다. 6월령과 12월령은 임이 혹 나를 돌아볼까 하는 마음으로 임의 뒤를 따르기도 하고, 임이 드시는 음식상에 정성스럽게 깎은 젓가락을 올려두고 임이 가져가기를 고대하고 있으니 눈앞에 임이 있는 것처럼 그렸다. <동동> 6월령과 12월령은 속세와 仙境의 경계를 넘고, 삶과 죽음의 경계를 넘어, 신선세계(사후세계)와 交通하고 시공을 넘나드는 모양으로 초월적 상상을 담아낸 것으로 보인다. 5월, 7월, 8월, 9월령도 모두 임을 향한 송도를 담고 있지만, 임을 직접 만나 약과 약술을 드리고, 함께 할 날을 기약하고, 함께 하는 삶에 의미를 부여하는 듯 현재형의 느낌이 다분하다. 『고려사』악지에서 <동동>이 頌禱와 仙語를 본받았다 한 것은 <동동>의 작품 성격을 규정하는 말이다. <동동>은 임이 신선과 같이 죽음을 넘어서 영속한다는 믿음을 담고 있다. 즉, <동동>은 신선세계의 언어(仙語)를 빌려와 삶과 죽음의 구분을 초월하여 임과의 공존을 추구하고 신선세계에서와 같은 영원과 장수를 누리고자 하는 열망을 담고 있다. 遊仙詩는 원초적 상징으로 가득 찬 상상력의 세계를 보여준다. 푸른 하늘 저편 은하수 건너에 열세 개의 하늘이 차례로 열리고 그 끝 大羅天의 하늘 위에 우뚝 솟은 백옥의 누대와 황금 궁궐, 다층적 위계로 이루어진 신들의 세계, 영원과 불변, 지고와 순결을 상징하는 수많은 유선 제재들은 고대인이 꿈꾸었던 유토피아를 온전히 재현해 낸다. 유선시는 중세인이 꿈꾸었던 자유와 초월의 의지를 대변한다. <동동>에서 不老長生을 추구하고 福을 빌고 壽를 기원하는 방식, 6월과 12월령에서 화자가 임을 만나고 소통하는 방식 등은 <보허사>나 <독산해경> 뿐만 아니라 유선시나 도가의 시풍(醮祭/齋醮의 靑詞)과도 닮은 데가 있다. 그러므로 수많은 유선시, 도가의 시, 靑詞와 송도와 선어로서의 <동동>을 관련지은 연구는 더 깊이 이루어져야 할 것으로 본다.

『Goryeosa』 ak-ji says that “there were praising and praying lyrics and the were mainly written by emulating the words of taoist hermit with miraculous powers” about <Dongdong>. So far, there have been various interpretations that ‘songdo(頌禱)’ derives from the roodooistic contexts praying for the luck of this world and ‘seoneo(仙語)’ is the shaman and clown's words meaning the words that remove bad mood and wish for luck through voodooistic prayer for the gods and that put a gisaeng(妓生)'s role and emotion in and the meaningless sounds of the elixir of life that have no lyrics and pass down with heart. Reviewing documents, ‘song(頌)’ in ‘songdo(頌禱)’ means “extolling virtues and in forming the gods, feeling good and praying for luck, praising good deeds and ‘do’ means “praying and wishing to avoid disaster, praying for fulfilling the wishes (longevity or luck, etc) ‘seoneo(仙語)’ is the great Taoist hermits' ways of communication and refers to “the Taoist hermits' language” that can be used in their world. It is used as follows : “a thousand-year-old crane is sitting on a pair of stone posts / the crown of the head is red and the whole body is white like snow / Being afraid of people hearing the gray-haired Taoist hermits' words / they are flying off five-colored clouds.” “After Doyeonmyeong read 13 poems in <Sanhaegyeong>, he called seven poems out of thirteen ones the Taoist hermits' words. And I read Pobakja feeling it make use of rhyme and write a poem.” Like this seven poems out of thirteen ones in <Boheosa(步虛詞)>, <Jahadong(紫霞洞)>, <Dok-sanhaegyeong(讀山海經)> was referred to as ‘seoneo’. As a result of analyzing these works, ‘seoneo’ 1) is different from the words of the world as those of the Taoist hermits' world 2) depicts the fantastic and mysterious Taoist hermits' space and 3) describes the Taoist hermits' movements forgetting death and aging and enjoying the arts. <Dongdong> has the strong features of ‘praise and pray’ because the prologue of “德으란∼, 福으란∼” sings the king's virtue and prays for luck toward the king and 5月令․7月令․8月令․9月令 prays for longevity and eternity toward the beloved. In 6月令 and 12月令, I will follow the beloved having a wish that he happen to look back or put chopsticks carved with love and care on the table looking forward to taking them, which depict as if the beloved were near at hand. 6月令 and 12月令 in <Dongdong> include transcendental imagination going beyond the boundary between the world and a fairyland, life and death, communicating with Great Beyond and hanging time and space. 5, 7, 8, 9月令 put the praise and pray for the beloved in but they are full of the feeling of present tense as I meet the beloved personally and gave him medicine and liquor, promise to share our lives and endow sharing life with meanings. 『Goryeosa』 ak-ji says that <Dongdong> emulates praise and pray, and the Taoist hermits' words because it has belief that the beloved goes beyond death and lasts forever like a Taoist hermit. In other words, <Dongdong> expresses the wish that I should borrow the words of the Taoist hermits' world, pursuit ‘coexistence’ with the beloved transcendental life and death and enjoy ‘eternity and longevity like the Taoist hermits’ world.

『Goryeosa』 ak-ji says that “there were praising and praying lyrics and the were mainly written by emulating the words of taoist hermit with miraculous powers” about <Dongdong>. So far, there have been various interpretations that ‘songdo(頌禱)’ derives from the roodooistic contexts praying for the luck of this world and ‘seoneo(仙語)’ is the shaman and clown's words meaning the words that remove bad mood and wish for luck through voodooistic prayer for the gods and that put a gisaeng(妓生)'s role and emotion in and the meaningless sounds of the elixir of life that have no lyrics and pass down with heart. Reviewing documents, ‘song(頌)’ in ‘songdo(頌禱)’ means “extolling virtues and in forming the gods, feeling good and praying for luck, praising good deeds and ‘do’ means “praying and wishing to avoid disaster, praying for fulfilling the wishes (longevity or luck, etc) ‘seoneo(仙語)’ is the great Taoist hermits' ways of communication and refers to “the Taoist hermits' language” that can be used in their world. It is used as follows : “a thousand-year-old crane is sitting on a pair of stone posts / the crown of the head is red and the whole body is white like snow / Being afraid of people hearing the gray-haired Taoist hermits' words / they are flying off five-colored clouds.” “After Doyeonmyeong read 13 poems in <Sanhaegyeong>, he called seven poems out of thirteen ones the Taoist hermits' words. And I read Pobakja feeling it make use of rhyme and write a poem.” Like this seven poems out of thirteen ones in <Boheosa(步虛詞)>, <Jahadong(紫霞洞)>, <Dok-sanhaegyeong(讀山海經)> was referred to as ‘seoneo’. As a result of analyzing these works, ‘seoneo’ 1) is different from the words of the world as those of the Taoist hermits' world 2) depicts the fantastic and mysterious Taoist hermits' space and 3) describes the Taoist hermits' movements forgetting death and aging and enjoying the arts. <Dongdong> has the strong features of ‘praise and pray’ because the prologue of “德으란∼, 福으란∼” sings the king's virtue and prays for luck toward the king and 5月令․7月令․8月令․9月令 prays for longevity and eternity toward the beloved. In 6月令 and 12月令, I will follow the beloved having a wish that he happen to look back or put chopsticks carved with love and care on the table looking forward to taking them, which depict as if the beloved were near at hand. 6月令 and 12月令 in <Dongdong> include transcendental imagination going beyond the boundary between the world and a fairyland, life and death, communicating with Great Beyond and hanging time and space. 5, 7, 8, 9月令 put the praise and pray for the beloved in but they are full of the feeling of present tense as I meet the beloved personally and gave him medicine and liquor, promise to share our lives and endow sharing life with meanings. 『Goryeosa』 ak-ji says that <Dongdong> emulates praise and pray, and the Taoist hermits' words because it has belief that the beloved goes beyond death and lasts forever like a Taoist hermit. In other words, <Dongdong> expresses the wish that I should borrow the words of the Taoist hermits' world, pursuit ‘coexistence’ with the beloved transcendental life and death and enjoy ‘eternity and longevity like the Taoist hermits’ world.