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국사편찬위원회는 한국사 관련 자료를 조사수집연구보급하기 위해 1946년 3월에 설치된 국가기관이다. 그동안 조선왕조실록승정원일기 등 다양한 고문헌을 영인 간행하고, 국내외 각종 역사자료를 수집하여 학계에 제공함으로써 한국사 연구 발전에 중추적인 역할을 수행해 왔다. 컴퓨터와 인터넷이 널리 보급됨으로 인해 1980년대부터 기관에서 수집 및 간행한 다양한 자료를 전산화해 나가고 있다.그 성과는 다음과 같은 것이였다.1. 승정원일기비변사등록조선왕조실록 등 한국사와 관련된 다양한 데이터베이스를 구축하여 한국사 연구 발전에 기여해 왔다.2. 시소러스용어사전을 통해 정확한 역사용어를 알지 못하는 이용자들도 17개의 주제별 분류를 통해 이용자가 원하는 연관 정보에 접근할 수 있도록 하였다.3. 국사편찬위원회는 한국사 관련 전산화사업을 총괄하는 한국역사종합정보센터 역할을 수행하고 있다. 이를 통해 데이터베이스의 표준화와 통합검색시스템을 개발 운영하고 있다.4. 전산화사업을 통하여 관련 IT기술이 비약적으로 발전하였다.

The Achievements and Problems of Korean Historical Classics Computerization in NIKH National Institute of Korean History(NIKH) is a national organization for researching, collecting, and spreading Korean history which established in March 1946. In the meantime, NIKH performed imposingly the nucleus of role for the improvement of Korean history with the nationwide providing of various classics and collecting many historical datum to the academic world in domestic and international. Nowadays, they have been processed the computerization of their achievements since 1980's for the sake of the popularization of computer and internet as follows;. 1. Providing the academic datum related with Korean history such as the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat, Investigation records of the Special Committee for Anti-Nationalist Acts, the Punctuated Veritable Records of the Jo-seon Dynasty 2. Developing the Thesaurus of Korean Historical Terms in 17 categories for the beginner who do not have the historical knowledge can access the database. 3. Performing the role of synthetic information center of Korean history as the commander of Korean historic computerization. 4. Improving the information technology through the computerization. I suggested next projects for the improvement of Korean historic computerization. 1. Linking and exchanging the database each other which created in different organizations to aim at perfection. 2. Investing the legal rights to NIKH for coming to the agreement on exchanging database among other organizations. Several organizations including NIKH created and provided the various Korean historical databases and completed the computerization of it. So all of Korean people who interested in history can easily access to it with worldwide internet service. Moreover, it can reduce the time and cost epochally to search the database what they want to find.

The Achievements and Problems of Korean Historical Classics Computerization in NIKH National Institute of Korean History(NIKH) is a national organization for researching, collecting, and spreading Korean history which established in March 1946. In the meantime, NIKH performed imposingly the nucleus of role for the improvement of Korean history with the nationwide providing of various classics and collecting many historical datum to the academic world in domestic and international. Nowadays, they have been processed the computerization of their achievements since 1980's for the sake of the popularization of computer and internet as follows;. 1. Providing the academic datum related with Korean history such as the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat, Investigation records of the Special Committee for Anti-Nationalist Acts, the Punctuated Veritable Records of the Jo-seon Dynasty 2. Developing the Thesaurus of Korean Historical Terms in 17 categories for the beginner who do not have the historical knowledge can access the database. 3. Performing the role of synthetic information center of Korean history as the commander of Korean historic computerization. 4. Improving the information technology through the computerization. I suggested next projects for the improvement of Korean historic computerization. 1. Linking and exchanging the database each other which created in different organizations to aim at perfection. 2. Investing the legal rights to NIKH for coming to the agreement on exchanging database among other organizations. Several organizations including NIKH created and provided the various Korean historical databases and completed the computerization of it. So all of Korean people who interested in history can easily access to it with worldwide internet service. Moreover, it can reduce the time and cost epochally to search the database what they want to find.