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漢文科 內容 妥當度란 한문과 내용분야의 전문가에 의해 재고자 하는 속성을 정확하게 재고 있는지를 주관적으로 판단하는 것이다. 內容 妥當度의 기준으로는 지식의 구조, 인지적 복잡성, 지식의 균형성, 지식의 대표성, 지식의 포괄성 등 다섯 가지를 기준으로 삼았으며, 변인으로는 내용 영역, 성취 기준과 학습 요소, 평가 기준과 평가 문항유형을 제시하였다. 이러한 기준과 변인을 고려하여 학교 현장에서의 한문과 평가 계획서와 평가 목표 이원분류표를 제시하여 내용타당도의 내적 요소를 충족하고자 하였다. 학교현장에서의 한문과 위상의 저락은 내용 타당도를 떨어뜨리는 요인이 된다. 그러므로 국가수준에서 내용 영역에 맞는 편제를 운영해야 하며, 성취기준과 다양한 문항유형을 개발해야 하고, 국가수준학업성취도평가에서도 평가하여야 한다. 이러한 외부적인 요인을 충족해야 한문과 내용타당도를 확보할 수 있다.

The Sino-Korean classics content validity means the subjective judgment of whether the properties that Sino-Korean classics content experts want to measure, are assessed properly. The standard of content validity applies 5 standards including the structure of knowledge, cognitive complexity, balance of knowledge, representative knowledge, and range of knowledge proposed, and proposes content area, achievement standard and learning elements, evaluation standard, and evaluation question pattern as variables. An evaluation plan and evaluation objective two-way specification considering such standards and variables, was offered to satisfy the internal factors of content validity. The declining position of Sino-Korean classes at schools, act as a decreasing factor of content validity. Therefore, content appropriate formation should be implemented on the national level, and achievement standards and various question patterns must be developed, and also evaluation should take place in the national academic achievement assessment. Such external conditions must be met to ensure Sino-Korean classics content validity.

The Sino-Korean classics content validity means the subjective judgment of whether the properties that Sino-Korean classics content experts want to measure, are assessed properly. The standard of content validity applies 5 standards including the structure of knowledge, cognitive complexity, balance of knowledge, representative knowledge, and range of knowledge proposed, and proposes content area, achievement standard and learning elements, evaluation standard, and evaluation question pattern as variables. An evaluation plan and evaluation objective two-way specification considering such standards and variables, was offered to satisfy the internal factors of content validity. The declining position of Sino-Korean classes at schools, act as a decreasing factor of content validity. Therefore, content appropriate formation should be implemented on the national level, and achievement standards and various question patterns must be developed, and also evaluation should take place in the national academic achievement assessment. Such external conditions must be met to ensure Sino-Korean classics content validity.