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Jeon Soo-tae. 2002. A Study on the Sanskrit Language in Tripitaka Koreana, and System and Contents of Panini Grammar. Korean Semantics, 10. This paper is aimed at studing the Sanskrit Language in Tripitaka Koreana (高麗大藏經) and system and contents of Panini Grammar (Astadhyayi of Panini).The first Sanskrit Buddhist Scripture translated in Chinese is The Buddhist 42 Chapters(佛說四二章經) in A.D. 67. Centuries after Chinese pilgrims Hsuan Tsang(玄), I Tsing (義淨) etc were sent to India to study Buddhist Scriptures and Sanskrit in 7th century. Returned to their country, they translated Buddhist Scriptures in Chinese and wrote many books about Buddhism. The contents of these books were contained in Tripitaka Koreana(1236~1251). The first purpose of this study is to understand the Sanskrit grammar in Tripitaka Koreana.Panini Grammar(Astadhyayi of Panini) was arranged by Panini in B.C. 4th century. It contains 4,000 grammatical rules of Sanskrit. Panini Grammar(Astadhyayi of Panini) describes, with minutest detail, every inflection, derivation, and composition, and every syantactic usage of its author's speech. No other language, to this day, has been so perfectly described. This grammar is one of the greatest monuments of human intelligence. The second purpose of this study is to understand the system and contents of this book.