초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Whether in Chinese or Korean, in creation pattern derivative role of the suffix is very important. Especially in Korean suffix which was well developed, and also there were many derivative words, also had many personal suffix. This paper is focus on the occupational Sino-Korean words of personal suffix, which showed hierarchical characteristic. In this paper, we collect the occupational Sino-Korean words of personal suffix list in Korean and Chinese, through semantic marker analysis, to compare the common and different points of the occupational word suffix between these two languages. Through compare analysis, the characteristic of Sino-Korean words of personal suffix between Korean and Chinese are:Firstly, in Korean and Chinese, occupational Sino-Korean words of personal suffix was based on “specialty”(전문성), which can be classified as “specialty in knowledge” type (지식전문성 유형) “specialty in skill” type(기술전문성유형), “not specialty in knowledge or skill” type. Second in Korean and Chinese with the occupational personal suffix in their own system, not only can reflect hierarchical characteristic but also show the phenomenon of differentiation. Third in Korean and Chinese, some of occupational personal suffix exhibit cross relationship. e.x. Korean ‘-사士’corresponding to Chinese‘師, in Korean ‘-사師’ corresponding to Chinese‘士’. Fourth in Korean and Chinese, some of occupational personal suffix exhibit one to many relationships. e.x. Chinese ‘-家’ corresponding to Korean ‘-가家’ and ‘자者’ at the same time.