초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper aims to discuss the semantic predictability as criteria to classify affixes for applying the concept of word family to Korean vocabulary selection. The meaning of affixes as the object of prediction means a very complex aspect of lexical meaning and grammatical meaning of the terms of the transverse and longitudinal perspective. The demarcation of polysemy can vary depending on the scale of dictionary and aspect of editors. Meaning of affix pre-breaking technology, Macro, includes information on derivatives. The description of meaning of affix includes the information about base, affix, and derivative. The demarcation of polysemy is based on category and semantic field of base, lexical meaning and pragmatic meaning. Macro factors influencing the prediction can be the number of polysemy, polysemy distribution, and the relation between category of bases and the meaning of affixes. Semantic predictability of affixes will contribute to the process of affix classification through coordination with other elements such as frequency, productivity, regularity.