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「動動」詞는 달거리를 중심으로 해서 엮은 노래인데, 이와 같은 노래는 日本의 전통예능 「能」의 「十二月往來」에서도 발견된다. 본 고찰에서는 이 두 노래의 비교를 통해서, 「動動」이 연행되었던 목적과 노래의 기능은 무엇이었는지 그 실체파악을 추구하였다. 그 결과, 高麗俗樂 「動動」은 儀典的 儀式歌舞로서 목적은 頌禱에 있었으며, 이 頌禱의 의미를 갖는 詞로 구성되어 있는 것을 알게 되었다. 특히 달거리는「動動」詞의 목적달성을 보증해주는 기능을 갖고 있으며, 頌의 의미도 있는 것으로 판단하였다. 그리고 「動動」이 日本에 전래되어 「十二月往來」가 형성되었다고 생각하는데, 「十二月往來」 에는 현재도 祝禱歌舞的 성격이 강하게 전승되고 있는 것을 알게 되었다.

Though the words of “dong dong” are composed in a form of song sung in January and December, such songs are also found in “Songs of December” of Okina-Mask dance in the traditional Japanese Noh plays. This study inquired into the purpose and function of “dong dong” songs by comparing those two songs. This research found that the “dongdong” song was a ceremonial dance song offered to a specific high-rank person, and that it was made up of a preface phrase of prayer and a phrase of celebration. We found that not only did the songs of December assure the achievement of purpose but also they had a meaning of celebration Then, we also found that the “dong dong” songs were mitted into Japan, forming Japanese “Songs of December”, and that some strong influence of Okina-Mask Dance, which purports a prayer and celebration, can be seen in them.

Though the words of “dong dong” are composed in a form of song sung in January and December, such songs are also found in “Songs of December” of Okina-Mask dance in the traditional Japanese Noh plays. This study inquired into the purpose and function of “dong dong” songs by comparing those two songs. This research found that the “dongdong” song was a ceremonial dance song offered to a specific high-rank person, and that it was made up of a preface phrase of prayer and a phrase of celebration. We found that not only did the songs of December assure the achievement of purpose but also they had a meaning of celebration Then, we also found that the “dong dong” songs were mitted into Japan, forming Japanese “Songs of December”, and that some strong influence of Okina-Mask Dance, which purports a prayer and celebration, can be seen in them.