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이 연구는 민요와 같은 비가시적 민속 자료들의 데이터베이스 구축과 전자문화지도화라는 디지털 아카이브의 학문적 효용성과 의의를 가사노동요의 분포 양상을 중심으로 논의한 글이다. 따라서 전국 단위 또는 지역 단위에서의 가사노동요의 분포 현황, 가사노동요의 유형별 분포 현황 등을 살펴봄으로써 민요와 지역성의 관계, 민요와 생활문화와의 관계 등을 주로 다루었다. 먼저 가사노동요의 전국적 분포도를 보면 전체적으로는 남한 지역의 중부 이남, 그중 특히 영남 지역에 집중적으로 분포되어 있다. 또한 제주 지역 같은 곳은 전국적 분포율과는 별개로 지역적 특징을 보여주기도 한다. 이는 가사노동요의 분포와 지역의 생활문화 및 성 역할의 차이가 상당한 관계에 놓여 있음을 말해준다. 둘째, 가사노동요의 유형별 분포 양상을 보면 전국적으로 고른 유형과 특정 지역에 집중되는 유형, 간헐적인 분포를 보이는 유형 등으로 나눌 수 있다. 이는 민요를 연행하는 여성집단과 가사노동요의 학습 및 전승이 밀접한 관련을 가지고 있음을 말해준다. 셋째, 가사노동요의 지역별 분포 양상을 보면 전체적인 분포율과는 별도로 다양한 하위 유형들이 전승되는 지역 또는 특정 하위 유형에 집중되어 전승되는 지역으로 나뉜다. 또한 그 지역내 노동 형태에 있어서 남녀의 역할, 여성 노동에 있어서의 지역별 편차 등도 나타난다. 이러한 분포 양상은 각 지역별 여성들의 생활문화와 관련해서도 특징적이다. 민요와 같은 민속일수록 자료의 집적 및 체계화를 통해서 파편화된 연구의 문제를 개선하고, 또한 이를 통해 조사․수집 연구의 방법을 개선하는 작업은 더욱 긴요하다. 또한 이러한 데이터베이스를 중심으로 구현한 전자문화지도는 그 기반이 되는 데이터베이스의 양적 규모와 설계에서의 신뢰도만 확보된다면 단지 가설이나 추론의 차원에서 진행되었던 논의들을 가시적인 화면 속에서 보다 구체적으로 확인시킬 수 있는 중요한 학술적 매체가 될 수 있다. 남은 과제는 전자문화지도의 완성도와 신뢰도를 높이기 위해 현재까지 구축된 민요 DB의 수정과 보완, 데이터의 확충 등이 필요하다고 하겠다.

The purpose of this paper is to study distribution patterns and characteristics of Ga-sha-no-dong-yo(家事勞動謠, housework folk song). It is certain that we are able to realize various distribution patterns of nationwide, region, types through electronic cultural atlas of Korean folk songs. This study will show scientific usefulness of database construction and electronic cultural atlas. Distribution patterns in nationwide or regional and distribution patterns of types of Ga-sha-no-dong-yo(housework folk song) can indicate relation of locality with folk song and living culture with folk song. Nationwide distribution map of Ga-sha-no-dong-yo(housework folk song) indicate that its distribution rate is the highest in the order of Gyeong-sang-nam-do(慶尙南道) Province, Gyeong-sang-buk-do(慶尙北道) Province, and Chol-la-nam-do(全羅南道) Province. We can assume that, based upon the fact that most of the songs are largely distributed over the southern part of Korea, such areas as having more remaining traditional living culture put more roles of housework into the women, therefore, we can find more about inheritance of Ga-sha-no-dong-yo(家事勞動謠) than others. Distribution maps of types or subtypes of Ga-sha-no-dong-yo(housework folk song) show various distribution patterns. Distribution map of a mortar․a millstone song is evenly distributed throughout the nation. Distribution map of hand-weaving song is compactly distributed in Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Distribution map of child-care song is evenly distributed throughout the region, but its distribution is rather high in Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Distribution map of sewing songs is concentrated upon Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Distribution map of washing clothes songs is concentrated upon Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Distribution map of other songs(其他) is concentrated upon Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. As seen from above, great attention shall be paid to the fact that the distribution of folk songs related to such hand-weaving, sewing, washing clothes, other housework, etc as mainly deemed to be women's jobs is found to be higher in Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Next, we can observe the characteristics of the distribution pattern of ga-sha-no-dong-yo in each regions.[Choong-cheong-do(忠淸道) Province, Chol-la-do(全羅道) Province, Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province]. The distribution rate of ga-sha-no-dong-yo is the highest in Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Accordingly, higher distribution of ga-sha-no-dong-yo(家事勞動謠) is closely related to social status of women living in Gyeong-sang-do Province. The outcome and prospects of this study run as follows; At first, we can lay hold of nationwide distribution pattern per specific type using embodied folk songs database. Second, we can also grasp an idea of geological characteristics and living culture per area using embodied folk songs database and distribution pattern of the folk songs. Third, we can establish administrative district and other cultural zone through distribution pattern of the folk songs. Fourth, we will need to add and supplement continuous data to enhance completion of the folk songs database and the electronic cultural atlas because we can realize the distribution of various folk songs using the electronic cultural atlas.

The purpose of this paper is to study distribution patterns and characteristics of Ga-sha-no-dong-yo(家事勞動謠, housework folk song). It is certain that we are able to realize various distribution patterns of nationwide, region, types through electronic cultural atlas of Korean folk songs. This study will show scientific usefulness of database construction and electronic cultural atlas. Distribution patterns in nationwide or regional and distribution patterns of types of Ga-sha-no-dong-yo(housework folk song) can indicate relation of locality with folk song and living culture with folk song. Nationwide distribution map of Ga-sha-no-dong-yo(housework folk song) indicate that its distribution rate is the highest in the order of Gyeong-sang-nam-do(慶尙南道) Province, Gyeong-sang-buk-do(慶尙北道) Province, and Chol-la-nam-do(全羅南道) Province. We can assume that, based upon the fact that most of the songs are largely distributed over the southern part of Korea, such areas as having more remaining traditional living culture put more roles of housework into the women, therefore, we can find more about inheritance of Ga-sha-no-dong-yo(家事勞動謠) than others. Distribution maps of types or subtypes of Ga-sha-no-dong-yo(housework folk song) show various distribution patterns. Distribution map of a mortar․a millstone song is evenly distributed throughout the nation. Distribution map of hand-weaving song is compactly distributed in Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Distribution map of child-care song is evenly distributed throughout the region, but its distribution is rather high in Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Distribution map of sewing songs is concentrated upon Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Distribution map of washing clothes songs is concentrated upon Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Distribution map of other songs(其他) is concentrated upon Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. As seen from above, great attention shall be paid to the fact that the distribution of folk songs related to such hand-weaving, sewing, washing clothes, other housework, etc as mainly deemed to be women's jobs is found to be higher in Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Next, we can observe the characteristics of the distribution pattern of ga-sha-no-dong-yo in each regions.[Choong-cheong-do(忠淸道) Province, Chol-la-do(全羅道) Province, Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province]. The distribution rate of ga-sha-no-dong-yo is the highest in Gyeong-sang-do(慶尙道) Province. Accordingly, higher distribution of ga-sha-no-dong-yo(家事勞動謠) is closely related to social status of women living in Gyeong-sang-do Province. The outcome and prospects of this study run as follows; At first, we can lay hold of nationwide distribution pattern per specific type using embodied folk songs database. Second, we can also grasp an idea of geological characteristics and living culture per area using embodied folk songs database and distribution pattern of the folk songs. Third, we can establish administrative district and other cultural zone through distribution pattern of the folk songs. Fourth, we will need to add and supplement continuous data to enhance completion of the folk songs database and the electronic cultural atlas because we can realize the distribution of various folk songs using the electronic cultural atlas.