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본고는 무정에 나타난 ‘성욕의 의미’를 정신분석비평적 관점에서 조명해 본 것이다. 먼저 무정에 내재된 성욕의 의미를 타나토스와 대비되는 에로스의 개념으로 분석하였다. 남주인공 형식에게서는 에로스의 주된 특징인 리비도가 어떤 형태로 작동되는지를, 또 여주인공 영채에게서는 타락한 인물들의 에로스가 어떻게 그녀를 음욕의 희생물로 전락시키는지를 살펴보았다. 다음으로 무정에 미만하는 죄의식의 실체를 규명하였다. 이 경우, 영채의 죄의식과 형식의 그것이 차이가 나는데, 본고에서는 이를 이드. 에고, 슈퍼에고의 관점에서 두 인물의 죄의식의 실체가 무엇인지를 규명하였다.무정을 분석한 결과, 이형식에게는 리비도가 생명의 보존과 자아의 각성이라는 긍정적 요소로 작용하고 있었다. 반면, 박영채에게는 이것이 그녀를 죽음의 충동에 사로잡히게 하는 부정적 요소로 작동하고 있었다.무정에서 초자아의 영향을 두드러지게 받는 인물은 이형식과 박영채였다. 이형식은 양심이란 도덕 기준에서 초자아의 영향을 받고 있었으며, 박영채는 아버지의 가르침으로 인한 유교적 세계관으로부터 그러한 영향을 받고 있었다. 이형식에게 작동하는 초자아는 근친상간의 금기였다. 이것은 억압된 오이디푸스 콤플렉스가 계속해서 형식의 도덕감에 작용하고 있다는 반증으로 해석되었다.박영채는 이 작품에서 가장 죄의식을 많이 느끼는 인물로 설정되어 있었다. 그러나 김병욱을 만남으로 인해 변화되고 있었다. 유교적 초자아에 사로잡혔던 에고가 진화론적 생명사상에 의해 새로운 에고로 거듭 태어나고 있었다.

This paper is written to discuss the meaning of the sexuality shows in Mu Jung in psychoanalysis critic's view. First, I analyzed ‘the meaning of sexuality’ with the concept of eros which is compared with thanatos. I examined how libido which is the main character of eros functions for him, and how eros of ruined characters drive Young-chae to sacrifice her for thanatos. For the next, I examined the substance of guilt feeling that is pervade in Mu Jung. In this case, there is a difference between Young-chae's guilt feeling and Hyung-sik's guilt feeling. In this paper, I try to explain what is the substance of their guilt feelings in the view of ego and superego. In the result of analyzing Mu Jung, libido functions Lee Hyung-sik in affirmative ways such as preserving life and awakening his ego. Meanwhile, it functions Park Young-chae in negative ways which drives her to the impulse of death. Characters who is influenced by superego the most are Lee Hyung-sik and Park Young-chae. Lee Hyung-sik is affected by superego in moral standard, the conscience. Park Young-chae is affected by Confucian view of the world occurred because of her father's teaching. Superego that functions Lee Hyung-sik was taboo of incest. It has explained that it is an evidence that his Oedipus Complex which was repressed by his father processed Hyung-sik's feeling of morality continuously. Park Young-chae was created as the character who feels guilty the most. However, she was changed as she met Kim Byung-ook. The ego which was seized with Confucius superego is newly born with new ego owing superego of the evolutionary theory's idea of life.

This paper is written to discuss the meaning of the sexuality shows in Mu Jung in psychoanalysis critic's view. First, I analyzed ‘the meaning of sexuality’ with the concept of eros which is compared with thanatos. I examined how libido which is the main character of eros functions for him, and how eros of ruined characters drive Young-chae to sacrifice her for thanatos. For the next, I examined the substance of guilt feeling that is pervade in Mu Jung. In this case, there is a difference between Young-chae's guilt feeling and Hyung-sik's guilt feeling. In this paper, I try to explain what is the substance of their guilt feelings in the view of ego and superego. In the result of analyzing Mu Jung, libido functions Lee Hyung-sik in affirmative ways such as preserving life and awakening his ego. Meanwhile, it functions Park Young-chae in negative ways which drives her to the impulse of death. Characters who is influenced by superego the most are Lee Hyung-sik and Park Young-chae. Lee Hyung-sik is affected by superego in moral standard, the conscience. Park Young-chae is affected by Confucian view of the world occurred because of her father's teaching. Superego that functions Lee Hyung-sik was taboo of incest. It has explained that it is an evidence that his Oedipus Complex which was repressed by his father processed Hyung-sik's feeling of morality continuously. Park Young-chae was created as the character who feels guilty the most. However, she was changed as she met Kim Byung-ook. The ego which was seized with Confucius superego is newly born with new ego owing superego of the evolutionary theory's idea of life.