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본 고에서는 김기림의 시론을 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 김기림의 알레고리론 시론은 알레고리에 대한 직접적인 논의뿐만 아니라 비유담, 공상, 몽타주에 대한 논의 등을 통해 살펴볼 수 있다. 김기림은 시작 초부터 상징주의 시론을 비판하고 ‘상징’을 중심으로 한 수사학에 비판적인 태도를 보였다. 그는 시적 주체의 지성, 제작으로서의 시, 시적 방법으로서의 기술 등을 강조하며 근대기술매체에 주목하면서 끊임없이 유동하는 현실을 담아내고자 하였는데 이 과정에서 알레고리를 지향하게 된다. 김기림은 1930년대에 뜻, 소리, 모양 등 언어의 요소들이 결합, 배치되는 방법으로 몽타주를 거론하면서 알레고리적 언어관을 드러낸다. 이후 그는 ‘몽타주’를 언어의 결합 방식에서부터 이미지의 연결, 소설에서의 구성에 이르기까지 광범위하게 적용할 수 있는 것으로 제시한다. 김기림이 알레고리의 지향을 보인 것은 그가 상징주의 시와 시론을 비판하는 데서부터이다. 그는 상징이 가정하고 있는 상상력을 비판하고 알레고리를 산출하는 공상을 옹호한다. 또한 공상의 작용인 ‘연상의 비약’이 현대시에 광범위하게 나타난다고 한다. 그리고 알레고리를 비유로 된 이야기로 파악하고, 그것을 하위 장르들, 가령 우화, 비유담 등과 관련시켜 논의한다. 그러나 비유담에 대해 논의하는 과정에서 시의 알레고리적 방법을 제시하게 된다.

The purpose of this study is to examine how Kim Ki-rim presented his allegory theory, developing his theory on poetry. He started to mention allegory theory from the beginning of time he attempted to develop his theory on poetry. In 1930's Kim Ki-Rim was oriented in city and civilization, refinement of it. He found the value of language, considering in relation with the city and civilization on which the language us based. He don't regarded the language as a instrument of communication, but the aesthetic object. He regarded literature as technique, so overvalued a allegorical language. His interest in allegory was getting stronger, and systematized his rhetorical theory based on montage theory. He thought that the reality is a mere accumulation of fragments. he thought modern technique media were helpful to discover the rapidly changing reality, that the poet must have identified his eyes with lense. He was interested montage of modern technique media, especially that of cinema. In addition to, he preferred fancy to imagination. This means he did allegory to symbol. As he groped for scientific poetics, he emphasized the communicative rhetoric. But in Munjangron Singang, he explained allegory in relation with fable, parable. When he stressed on ‘art of parable’, he explained allegory in poetry. While he was trying to criticize the metaphysical aspect of poetics, he strongly stated that the rhetoric remained in the Western tradition should be succeed to. Since then, he got interested in aspects of propaganda presented in rhetoric by emphasizing the communicative rhetoric, which meant to aim at democratizing cultures. All these aspects were presented in Munjangron Singang.

The purpose of this study is to examine how Kim Ki-rim presented his allegory theory, developing his theory on poetry. He started to mention allegory theory from the beginning of time he attempted to develop his theory on poetry. In 1930's Kim Ki-Rim was oriented in city and civilization, refinement of it. He found the value of language, considering in relation with the city and civilization on which the language us based. He don't regarded the language as a instrument of communication, but the aesthetic object. He regarded literature as technique, so overvalued a allegorical language. His interest in allegory was getting stronger, and systematized his rhetorical theory based on montage theory. He thought that the reality is a mere accumulation of fragments. he thought modern technique media were helpful to discover the rapidly changing reality, that the poet must have identified his eyes with lense. He was interested montage of modern technique media, especially that of cinema. In addition to, he preferred fancy to imagination. This means he did allegory to symbol. As he groped for scientific poetics, he emphasized the communicative rhetoric. But in Munjangron Singang, he explained allegory in relation with fable, parable. When he stressed on ‘art of parable’, he explained allegory in poetry. While he was trying to criticize the metaphysical aspect of poetics, he strongly stated that the rhetoric remained in the Western tradition should be succeed to. Since then, he got interested in aspects of propaganda presented in rhetoric by emphasizing the communicative rhetoric, which meant to aim at democratizing cultures. All these aspects were presented in Munjangron Singang.