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이 논문의 목적은 라캉의 주체와 타자의 개념을 통해 박완서의 단편소설에 나타나는 주체와 타자의 관계 양상을 검토하는 것이다. ‘아버지의 이름’으로 은유되는 타자와 ‘아버지의 이름’ 아래에서 분열된 주체의 문제는, 전쟁의 참혹한 현실에서 안정된 일상의 위선에 이르기까지 다양한 풍경들을 포착하는 박완서 문학의 내적 일관성을 읽어낼 수 있는 유용한 도구가 된다. 주체와 타자의 문제는 그의 문학에서 지속적으로 견지되는 핵심적인 주제인 것이다. 박완서의 문학은 잔혹한 전쟁의 상처와 반공이데올로기의 두려움과 이데올로기의 허울됨에 대한 혐오감으로 요약할 수 있다. 반공이데올로기가 거의 모든 상징적 관계를 대체하는 현실은 집단적 정신병으로 포착되고, 반공이데올로기의 압력에 종속된 주체는 두려움과 의문을 이중적으로 드러낸다. 그러는 한편 박완서 문학은 기본적으로 신경증적 주체의 심리구조를 보여준다. 화자는 자신뿐만 아니라 전후현실에 깊이 내재한 두려움과 상처를 주목하고 그로부터 생겨났을 이기심과 안정 지향성에 대해 날카로운 의문을 던지는 것이다. 그런 점에서 박완서의 문학은 근본적으로 히스테리자의 담화라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 담화적 현실에서 작가는 ‘생명’ 혹은 ‘자연’을 이상적인 법의 위치에서 긍정한다. 이는 아버지의 법을 보증하는 타자, 즉 타자의 타자로서 절대적인 법의 지위를 갖는다. 생명 혹은 자연은 이데올로기 현실의 허울됨을 가려내는 상징적인 준거가 된다. 이데올로기의 현실은 본성상 허구인 상징적 현실로서 주체가 벗어버릴 수 없는 불가피한 실존의 조건이지만 상징적 현실이 지속되기 위해서는 이를 지지해주는 실재가 발견되거나 경험되어야 한다. 박완서의 문학은 전쟁과 전후의 이데올로기 현실이 실재(생명)에 의해 지지되지 않고 절대법(자연)에 의해 보증되지 않는 헛것에 불과하다는 사실을 간파한다. 박완서의 소설은 우리 현실의 물신숭배적 전도를 폭로하고 세상살이를 생명/적인 것의 수준에서 의미화하는 변증법의 순환과정에 있는 것이다.

This paper aims to examine relationship the Subject and the Other in Park Wanseo's novels, based on the concept of Lacan's the Subject and the Other. The metaphor of 'the Name of the Father' that refers to the paternal function, this is the Other. 'The divisive Subject' under the name of the Other and 'the Other', this problem is the useful tool to understand the consistent of Park Wanseo's novels, because her characteristics have been living diverse realities, that is ideology reality and historical reality, Capitalist family, stable day-to-day, vulgarian reality. Park Wanseo's literature can be summarized as hurt of KoreanWar and disgusted of vain ideology and awe of anticommunist ideology. The symbolic reality been rewritten anticommunist ideology is understanding of collective psychosis, and the awe of subject under anticommunist ideology and the question of subject about ideology are appeared. But narrator show the psyche of the neurotic subject. The narrator is used to question sharply about self-interest and stable directional contained in self-reality. Self-interest and stable directional arose from the fear and hurt of symbolic reality. In that sense, Park Wanseo's literature can be said essentially the hysteria discourse. Furthermore, the writer captured the reality of deprivation or absence of ideal paternal, and in which oriented the ideal law. It is the Other that vouch for the power of the Father, that is to say, it is to introduce absolute law as the Other of the Other. Specifically speaking, it is vitality and the vitality is to became symbolic standard that discern empty of ideology. The ideology reality as the symbolic reality is inevitable condition of existence. The symbolic reality, to be sustained, has the real like direct attribution of the symbolic. Park Wanseo's literature has an insight that ideology reality is fiction and performative effect only. Fetishism perversion of our's is uncovered by Park's novels, and Park's novels is the process of dialectical circulation signified vitality as a means of human life.

This paper aims to examine relationship the Subject and the Other in Park Wanseo's novels, based on the concept of Lacan's the Subject and the Other. The metaphor of 'the Name of the Father' that refers to the paternal function, this is the Other. 'The divisive Subject' under the name of the Other and 'the Other', this problem is the useful tool to understand the consistent of Park Wanseo's novels, because her characteristics have been living diverse realities, that is ideology reality and historical reality, Capitalist family, stable day-to-day, vulgarian reality. Park Wanseo's literature can be summarized as hurt of KoreanWar and disgusted of vain ideology and awe of anticommunist ideology. The symbolic reality been rewritten anticommunist ideology is understanding of collective psychosis, and the awe of subject under anticommunist ideology and the question of subject about ideology are appeared. But narrator show the psyche of the neurotic subject. The narrator is used to question sharply about self-interest and stable directional contained in self-reality. Self-interest and stable directional arose from the fear and hurt of symbolic reality. In that sense, Park Wanseo's literature can be said essentially the hysteria discourse. Furthermore, the writer captured the reality of deprivation or absence of ideal paternal, and in which oriented the ideal law. It is the Other that vouch for the power of the Father, that is to say, it is to introduce absolute law as the Other of the Other. Specifically speaking, it is vitality and the vitality is to became symbolic standard that discern empty of ideology. The ideology reality as the symbolic reality is inevitable condition of existence. The symbolic reality, to be sustained, has the real like direct attribution of the symbolic. Park Wanseo's literature has an insight that ideology reality is fiction and performative effect only. Fetishism perversion of our's is uncovered by Park's novels, and Park's novels is the process of dialectical circulation signified vitality as a means of human life.