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우리나라의 지방자치단체에 대한 국가의 행정적 관여의 문제점에 있어 헌법규정의 문제점이 있고 취소․제도에 있어서도 비합리적인 면이 있으며 전반적으로 국가의 광범위한 관여의 흔적이 남아있다. 새로이 규정한 직무이행명령제도와 지방의회의결에 대한 재의요구, 부작위에 대한 관여수단의 결여, 부단체장의 임명방법의 이원화에 따른 지방자치단체의 인사고권의 침해 등의 여러 가지 문제점이 개선되어야 할 것으로 본다.

This study takes a view the central and the local government relations as a imperfect but equal, and the means of the directory control shall be applied in place of a imperative means. The local autonomy structure in Korea has many problems such as the defectiveness in the prescription of the constitution, the imperfection of revocation and suspension, comprehensive control of central government, lack of civil participation, and mature civil senses etc. Supposing that the administrative control of central government over the local government is reshaped and restructured in an ideal type, the state might undergo a brave new world which is full of liberty and creativity.

This study takes a view the central and the local government relations as a imperfect but equal, and the means of the directory control shall be applied in place of a imperative means. The local autonomy structure in Korea has many problems such as the defectiveness in the prescription of the constitution, the imperfection of revocation and suspension, comprehensive control of central government, lack of civil participation, and mature civil senses etc. Supposing that the administrative control of central government over the local government is reshaped and restructured in an ideal type, the state might undergo a brave new world which is full of liberty and creativity.