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An appended map is regarded as complementary to an history textbook and along with the textbook, it helps to achieve the vital goals of history education indicated in the curriculum. In recent years, history textbooks have increasingly had various informative materials. To keep pace with the change, we need to develop the differentiated reference book that have a wider range of materials textbooks don't offer. Furthermore, to be utilized in history class it should be able to raise learners' historical awareness, function as a workbook for learners and facilitate learners' self-directed learning etc. Based on the ideas above, I focused on the followings in this paper. Firstly, I examined two kinds of appended map published by Kumsung Publishing and ChunJae Education respectively, which are authorized by government in 2010. Secondly, I analyzed the merits and demerits of the map books, considering their relevance to the history textbooks. Thirdly, I suggested the ways to make good use of the appended map in history class. As part of the efforts, I presented an example of teaching-learning plan for a unit. It is about 'Unit 4. Prince Regent Heungseon Daewongun, the one who wielded power for 10 years' included in 'Ⅲ. The Changes in Chosun Society and the Invasions of Western Powers', in which elements of the Korean history and those of the world history are integrated. I tried to find out the effective ways of teaching history with an appended map and give ideas on what should be considered in advance for more efficient teaching. Plus, the appended map should offer various materials that attract learners' attention and help to cultivate their historical thinking abilities.