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In 36 B.C. Octavian announced his intention of building a new temple to Apollo next to his house on the Palatine hill and in 28 he dedicated the temple. There is controversy regarding Octavian's original intention to found the temple, especially over the relationship with the Actium Battle. This paper is to elucidate the intention of Octavianus and the meaning of the temple of Apollo in historical contexts. Firstly, considering the decorative elements of the temple, such as the images of the plaque of sphinxes and Isis, and of the portico of the Danaides, both of which cannot be thought of without Egypt springing to mind, it is certain that the temple was built to memorialize the glory of the victory of Actium. Secondly, the reason Octavianus chose Apollo as his tutelary deity and built the magnificent temple of Apollo, is related to the expedition to the Orient. Since the representative gods of the Orient were Sun gods, without their consent or help, it would be hard to dominate the Orient, according to the traditional religious practices, such as 'Evocatio'. Lastly, at that time, the Sun god was regarded as the symbol of the Golden Age. There were prophecies, including Sibylline Oracles, that the boy from the Sun would bring about the Golden Age on earth. Octavianus aligning himself with Apollo as his patron god, would have intended to spread the belief that his reign would be the Golden Age.