초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In Korean, the combination of formal nouns with ‘-ida’ express a speaker's attitude toward certain situations or his/her intention to convey messages to listeners. ‘Bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ are one of the many forms to express the speaker's attitude. Most conventional studies on ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ are limited to understanding the analysis of vocabulary related to the meaning of ‘bub’ and ‘maryen’. In addition, the studies on the meaning and usage of ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ are also limited to the similarities of these two forms. Consequently, both the similarities and differences between ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ have not been clearly explained yet. For the above reasons, this study examines the meaning and usage of ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ to clarify the similarities and differences between these two forms. The results of this examination confirms that ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ have a similarity in adding [natural character] to statements. Additionally, ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ can be distinguished by whether [requirment character] can be expressed or not. ‘Bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ can be combined with both [+controllable predicate] and [-controllable predicate]. And ‘bubida’ can express [requirment character] upon [+controllable predicate] combination. However, the expressions of ‘maryenida’ are limited to only [natural character] upon [+controllable predicate] combination. This is the primary difference between ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’.

In Korean, the combination of formal nouns with ‘-ida’ express a speaker's attitude toward certain situations or his/her intention to convey messages to listeners. ‘Bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ are one of the many forms to express the speaker's attitude. Most conventional studies on ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ are limited to understanding the analysis of vocabulary related to the meaning of ‘bub’ and ‘maryen’. In addition, the studies on the meaning and usage of ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ are also limited to the similarities of these two forms. Consequently, both the similarities and differences between ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ have not been clearly explained yet. For the above reasons, this study examines the meaning and usage of ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ to clarify the similarities and differences between these two forms. The results of this examination confirms that ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ have a similarity in adding [natural character] to statements. Additionally, ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ can be distinguished by whether [requirment character] can be expressed or not. ‘Bubida’ and ‘maryenida’ can be combined with both [+controllable predicate] and [-controllable predicate]. And ‘bubida’ can express [requirment character] upon [+controllable predicate] combination. However, the expressions of ‘maryenida’ are limited to only [natural character] upon [+controllable predicate] combination. This is the primary difference between ‘bubida’ and ‘maryenida’.