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Meanings of words and grammatical constructions of a language reflects the culture of the society or nation in which the language is used The ways of communication of an individual are dependent on the cultural models or norms of the society or nation in some way or another, and cannot be free from them. This paper explores some effects of cultural models on the grammaticality of some expressions, especially, on some words, grammatical constructions, and word orders. In Chapter 2, the relationship between cultural models and meanings of words is analyzed, and the true understanding of a lexical item cannot achieved until the true understanding of its related cultural-specific model. Chapter 3 deals with the effect of cultural models on grammatical constructions in some languages. It is revealed that cultural models have direct effect on the grammaticality of grammatical constructions. In Chapter 4, the theory of yin and yang, and the theory of the five elements in China are explained and their influence on some word orders are considered. In general, the theory of yin and yang, and the theory of the five elements have some influence on some word orders. But be it noted that their influences are less on Korean native words than on those which have originated from Chinese.