초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study investigated what American native speakers usually do in dealing with spoken American English grammar, especially in terms of the subject-possessive agreement of indefinite pronouns and subject-verb agreement of idiomatic collectives. For statistical analysis, chi-square test was used. A sample of 100 cases collected in Oklahoma City found significant differences in Spoken American English. Regarding the subject-possessive agreement of indefinite pronouns, participants in this study favored the plural pronoun, their, in colloquial settings instead of singular pronoun, his or her. In addition, for subject-verb agreement of idiomatic collectives, participants were evenly divided into the singular form, was, and the plural form, were.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

grammatical use, spoken American, English, colloquial English, differences, between descriptive and prescriptive, English grammar