초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper discusses the problem of Korean grammar teaching and learning, especially focusing on the learner's knowledge about grammatical terms. In this study, the research subject is foreign students taking <Korean grammar> as an graduate primary subject. The research method is designed to the quantitative and qualitative research methodology: the use of a questionnaire & a measurement paper that is analyzed by SPSS 12.0, and the interview with the learners. The research objects are 1) the analysis of learner's subjective knowledge found by a self-report, 2) the analysis of learner's objective knowledge found by a measurement, 3) the analysis of learner's attitude about grammatical terms after interviewing. The results of this research are as follows: 1) the most recognized terms in the self-report are ‘vowel (4.64)' and ‘consonant(4.63)' and the least one is ‘agreement of subject and predicate (3.00)'. 2) the highest scored terms in the objective tests are ‘vowel (90.91)', and ‘consonant (90.91)' and the lowest scored one is ‘indirect quotation(20.3)'. The following term is identified as ‘clause (24.3)' and ‘syllable(30.3)', 3) the reasons for difficulties of understanding grammatical terms are explained as the result of interviewing.