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In this paper, I proved that the meanings of idioms related to FIRE and HAND are not voluntary but synchronized through the process like metaphor and metonymy with examples. Idioms are conventional, unchangeable, figurative, like- proverb, inofficial, and sentimental. This paper tried to discuss the characteristics of figurativeness elaborately. I refuted the traditional argument that an idiom consists of two or more words, and the meaning cannot be predicted by the meaning of consisting words through examples. In other words, I presented that an idiom is not only the problem of language, and its meaning naturally synchronizes based on the system of conception. In the second chapter, I pointed out the features of idioms and the fact that the meaning is unaffected. In addition, an idiom is discussed with metaphor and metonymy which provide the motive for its unartificial quality. In the third chapter, I analyzed how the meaning of idiom related to FIRE and HAND gets synchronized using the metaphor process.