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This study investigates the effect of prosodic boundary on phonetic realizations of obstruents in word-initial position in North Kyungsang Korean. Based on the acoustic parameters such as VOT, frication duration and F0, it examines the way in which alveolar stops [t] and [th] and the fricative [s] are phonetically strengthened in terms of prosodic domains of U, IP, PP and Wd. Statistical analysis indicates that the effect of segment-based acoustic parameters such as VOT and frication duration is not as uniform across the target obstruents as that of suprasegmental parameter F0: VOT-[t]: U>IP, PP>Wd; VOT-[th]: U>PP>Wd, IP=U,PP; Dur-[s]: U, IP>PP>Wd; F0-[t, th, s]: U>IP, PP>Wd. A considerable degree of correlation between segmental and suprasegmental acoustic parameters was found in hierarchical phonetic strengthening, namely U>PP>Wd. However, discrepancy is observed between stops and fricatives in their degree of correlation between segmental and suprasegmental parameters. Phonetic properties of word-initial obstruents in various positions within PP and Wd reveal that phonetic strengthening within a domain is not simply proportionate with linear precedence of each loci scaled with reference to the relative phonological distance; rather, it is a reflection of the internal prosodic structure of word-initial obstruents.