초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this paper is to survey and investigate the communicative relations when politeness is violated. Cooperative principle includes Grice’s four maxims, the maxim of quality, the maxim of quantity, the maxim of relevance, and the maxim of manner. And politeness principle includes the maxim of tact, the maxim of generosity, the maxim of approbation, the maxim of modest, the maxim of agreement, and the maxim of sympathy. Cooperative principle is related to the speaker while politeness principle is to the hearer. However, cooperative principle and politeness principle is observed in a living dialogue. Because violating them is not an appropriate dialogue in a living communication. If cooperative principle and politeness principle are violated, communication is possible but not correct. Especially, when politeness principle is violated, communication situation is rude and can’t be communicated each other properly. In conclusion, politeness principle as well as cooperative principle have to be kept absolutely in a living communication. They are the best important factors in a communication and human relations.