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이 연구는 1930년대 중반 만주국의 치외법권 철폐로 현재화했던 재만조선인 교육행정권 문제의 발생과 그 귀결의 전체적인 추이를 실증적으로 검토하였다. 재만조선인 교육행정권의 만주국 이관문제는 재만 재조조선인 사회의 반발로 이어지면서 조선총독부와 관동군사령부의 적극적인 대응을 불가피하게 하였다. 선만 양측은 협의와 절충을 거쳐 재만조선인 교육행정권의 만주국 이관과 조선인 유력자의 만주국 관리임용을 연계하는 조건부적 해결방식으로 해소할 수 있었다. 결국, 1930년 중반 교육행정권 이관문제를 둘러싼 재만 재조조선인 사회의 반발과 정치적 대응은 선만 수뇌의 도문회담으로 이어지면서 1930년대 전반 갈등과 대립지향의 선만관계로부터 협력지향의 선만관계로 전환이라는 새로운 제국질서의 재편을 초래하는 정치적 추동력으로 작용하였다.

This study empirically examined the general traces of issues surrounding the educational and administrative rights of Korean residents in Manchuria which began to emerge with a discussion about the abolition of extraterritoriality in Manchukuo (Manchu Nation) in the mid 1930s. Previous studies regarding the educational history of Korea residents in Manchuria have primarily focused on imperialist Japan’s policy decision-making. In view of such facts, the present study paid attention to political changes that had resulted from the resistance and responses of the Korean community in Manchuria and to the historical significance of such changes. Actually, the issue of transferring the educational and administrative rights of Koreans in Manchuria to Manchukuo led to resistance from the Korean community. As a result, it was inevitable for the Japanese Government-General of Korea and the Japanese Kwantung Army to take active counteractions in response to the resistance. In the end, the Korean community and Manchukuo, by going through negotiations and compromises, sought a conditional solution by which they could settle the transfer of Koreans’ educational and administrative rights to Manchukuo in tandem with the appointment of Koreans of influence as Manchukuo’s officials. These actions of imperialist Japan mean a changeover to the so-called "colonial administration policy of national autonomism for temporarily appeasing the resistance of the Korean community and diluting national discrimination. Eventually, the resistance and political responses of the Korean community in Manchuria to the transfer of educational and administrative rights in the mid 1930s led to the Korea-Manchukuo summit talk in Tumen and acted as a political driving force for the reorganization of imperial order, that is, the conversion of Korea-Manchukuo relations from conflict and confrontation during the early 1930s to cooperation and collaboration.