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The current study examines the transformation process of ethnic identity among the Korean–Russian (Koryo-Saram) migrants to Japan. The study considers the author’s fieldwork comprising 50 female Russian migrants to Japan, but focuses on the narratives of two women, descendants of the Koreans who migrated to Russia toward the end of the 19th century. The complex historical background of this ethnic group’s initial migration, subsequent forced relocation to Central Asia, and re-migration to Russia forms a shared experience that influences the daily life of their successive generation, including those who remained in Russia and the ones who decided to migrate further to Japan, such as the study participants. The study, assuming the dynamic nature of ethnic identity, revealed that strong familial ties and food constitute the socio-cultural elements of their self-awareness. Furthermore, it was established that being a Koryo-Saram in Japan can be restrictive or liberating, depending on the subject’s attitudinal predisposition, wherein it might either limit or enhance the choices and lifestyle of an individual.