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This paper is a preliminary study of limit of parental responsibility. Since 1990s Parenting Order Program increased in UK. Parenting Orders can be given to the parents of young people who offend, truant or who have received a Child Safety Order,Anti-Social Behaviour Order or Sexual Offences Prevention Order. A parent who receives an order will normally be required to attend counselling or guidance sessions for a period of up to three months. They may also have conditions imposed on them such as attending meetings with teachers at their child's school, ensuring their child does not visit a particular place unsupervised or ensuring their child is at home at particular times. These conditions can last for a period up to 12 months. A parent can be prosecuted for failing to keep the requirements of the order. Through the change of the meaning of having a child, the demonstrated that parental responsibility was more and more emphasized. Thus, this study meaning of Parenting Order for juvenile criminals in UK, and then discussed the meaning of and problems in the limit of Parenting Order to juvenile justice in Korea and how to improve it for enhancing the effectiveness.