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This article attempts to analyze Vorticism embodied in poems by Ezra Pound, the co-founder of the art movement. The avant-garde movement is primarily characterized by identical patterns coexistent in various kinds of arts including literature, painting, music and sculpture. The crucial term primary pigment indicates writing’s approach toward the condition of painting. Pound has tendency to privilege visual form’s signification beyond the limitation of conventional language. The orientation toward corporeality is compatible with the principle of creating poetry in Imagism. Poetic language fully charged with meaning can realize maximum intensity. A Chinese letter chung (center) similar to the vortex in shape illustrates the masses in relation. The incorporation of the hieroglyphs and Chinese letters can compensate for limit in the material quality of English.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Vorticism, primary pigment, Imagism, Chinese letter, maximum intensity, masses in relation.