초록 열기/닫기 버튼

It is already well established among English grammarians that the seemingly uniform structures "V NP to VP" should be distinguished into two or three or more types. They show different syntactic behaviors depending on the property of the verb. In Korean English grammar, however, most of Korean English grammar books treat them under the sentence pattern "S V O C". Henceforth, most learners including English teachers understand them as one type. The paper briefly shows syntactic differences between the structures "V NP to VP", and suggests that Korean English grammar should distinguish them into three types of sentence patterns. The paper argues that it is justifiable to have students distinguish the structures "V NP to VP". (Kyungnam University)

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

the structure "V NP to VP", sentence pattern, form-focused learning, argument structure, Korean English grammar