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This article explores the problematics faced by the male and female protagonists of "Desiree's Baby" and "Her Letters"' in the terms of interpellation. It is a term put forward by the French structuralist Marxist Althusser and can be defined as the process whereby an individual subject assumes his or her place within an ideological structure. Zizek reconceptualizes the concept of Althusserian interpellation in the framework of Lacanian psychology. He suggests that there is a certain 'gap' in any interpellation and that symbolization ultimately always fails. While the characters in "Desiree's Baby" and "Her Letters" are subjects interpellated in the ideological apparatus, marriage, they also have the dimension that cannot be covered by those interpellations. "Desiree's Baby" shows that interpellation is always arbitrary and that the symbolic order always has lack. "Her Letters" shows that we cannot encounter the truth without accepting that there is the dimension beyond interpellation by presenting the male protagonist who desperately denies the fact that the interpellation of his wife and himself has failed. The dimension beyond interpellation not only illuminates what subjects really are but also intuitively comments on the lack in the mid-nineteenth century gender ideology.(KAIST)

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Chopin, interpellation, the symbolic, the Real, Zizek, Lacan, ideology