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This study investigates effective models of team teaching in Korean middle school classrooms based upon two English achievement tests and two English listening tests. The data from 280 first-year middle school students were collected and compared between team teaching (TT) types. The findings of the present study are as follows: First, the results of the English achievement tests and English listening tests between the students who took TT of a native English Teacher (NET) and a Korean English Teacher (KET) and those who didn't take TT showed significant differences. After practicing TT class, a NET- led class with a KET's active support showed an obvious difference compared to NET- led class with a KET's passive support in the second English listening test. Second, NET leading classes with the KET's active facilitation showed the highest improvement in both tests. These findings indicate that TT practiced classes, especially in the balanced co-operation between both teachers, is greatly efficient to develop Korean middle school students' English communicative competence. This study also gives both NETs and KETs perspectives on effective TT types and the opportunities to reconsider the issues related to their TT.