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Most of the people seem to have common matters in relation to the good and the evil. They think for themselves only and do what would be beneficiary to them only. However, they do not know that they also have the character of the evil. Whenever we face a matter of life, we would have lots of struggles between the good and the evil. Another important point is that we have the tendency to make the conclusion that would be beneficiary to us. Madeleine L'Engle emphasized that all the people must achieve better situation. If a person wants to get a good one, the good one is given at the end and, prior to the good one, God gives the ability to choose the good one. Meanwhile, it seems that, when we are in the difficult situation, we seem to exactly select the good part in conclusion. In “A Wrinkle in Time,” we can find that Meg, Calvin, and Charles are normal children. As they have normal character, they intend to get better ones and the win of God. We’ll understand the meaning of self-establishment through the struggles between the good and the evil and the good ones will always be chosen through the faith, trust, and love.