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Poetry therapy is the interactive 'process' of the literature, the facilitator(poetry therapist), and the client. Self-understanding and insight is one of the most important goals of poetry-therapy. Literature works as a catalyst in the therapeutic process toward a new sense of self or self-awareness and the whole process resembles the journey-quest motif of literature. The journey which Campbell calls the monomyth is the basic structure on which the whole of western-literature is founded. As an example of the therapeutic literature, this paper will discuss The Lion King(Allers and Minkoff, 1994), which is the ingenious mixture of themes found in classic literature like Hamlet, the Old Testament and mythology. The main discussion of this paper is focused on Simba's (therapeutic) journey as a qualifying test to become the King of Pride Land. Audience/students may also go through the poetry-therapeutic experience by being challenged to ask ‘who am I?’ and to face their own ‘past’(failure, painful memories, traumatic experiences, etc.). Students can be evoked to find the "King" inside themselves and restore their own self-esteem.